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Women’s political participation in electoral processes requires targeted support to overcome gender discrimination. Key strategies for enhancing gender balance in electoral processes include: working with political parties to promote gender sensitive policies and practices to foster women’s leadership; targeted outreach and support for women to register to vote and safely access polling stations; guarantee of protection from election related violence and harassment; the use of quotas and temporary special measures to increase women’s representation; effective technical and financial support to women candidates and political leaders; and engagement of male champions for women’s empowerment and gender equality.

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Jeffrey Lazarus and Amy Steigerwalt

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May 4, 2018

Jeffrey Lazarus and Amy Steigerwalt

Authors of “Gendered Vulnerability: How Women Work Harder to Stay In Office”
Authors of “Gendered Vulnerability: How Women Work Harder to Stay In Office”
Authors of “Gendered Vulnerability: How Women Work Harder to Stay In Office”

World News

Meet two of the women leading the effort to overhaul politics in Lebanon

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Meet two of the women leading the effort to overhaul politics in Lebanon


There are only four women in Lebanon’s female-unfriendly parliament, where even the women’s affairs minister is a man. A record number of female candidates – 84 to be precise – are trying to correct that jarring imbalance in Sunday’s election.

There are only four women in Lebanon’s female-unfriendly parliament, where even the women’s affairs minister is a man. A record number of female candidates – 84 to be precise – are trying to correct that jarring imbalance in Sunday’s election.

World News

Women Step Up for State Office

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Women Step Up for State Office


Nevada and Arizona could make history this fall, with both states positioned to elect the first female-majority legislative chambers in the nation's history.

Nevada and Arizona could make history this fall, with both states positioned to elect the first female-majority legislative chambers in the nation's history.

World News

Southeast communities strategize on women’s participation in elections

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Southeast communities strategize on women’s participation in elections


Participants at UN-backed events in the southeastern provinces of Paktya and Paktika called on community members to work together to support women’s participation in the upcoming elections.

Participants at UN-backed events in the southeastern provinces of Paktya and Paktika called on community members to work together to support women’s participation in the upcoming elections.

World News

Ethiopia parliament elects female speaker, Muferiat Kamil

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Ethiopia parliament elects female speaker, Muferiat Kamil


Ethiopia’s parliament, the House of Peoples’ Representatives, has chosen a former Minister of Women’s Affairs, as its new speaker, state-affiliated FANA Broadcasting Corporate reports.

The report confirms earlier rumours that Muferiat Kamil was set to be named speaker. She replaces Abadula Gemeda who has been in the role since 2010.

Ethiopia’s parliament, the House of Peoples’ Representatives, has chosen a former Minister of Women’s Affairs, as its new speaker, state-affiliated FANA Broadcasting Corporate reports.

The report confirms earlier rumours that Muferiat Kamil was set to be named speaker. She replaces Abadula Gemeda who has been in the role since 2010.

World News

Equal Voice Alberta launches workshops to recruit more women into politics

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Equal Voice Alberta launches workshops to recruit more women into politics


Equal Voice Alberta is urging more women to run in the 2019 Alberta provincial election.

The group launched their She Leads Campaign 101 Workshops on Saturday with a panel discussion that drew more than 40 attendees.

Organizer Jenessa Crognali says the first session was about learning to navigate the nomination process — one of the first steps toward getting elected.

Equal Voice Alberta is urging more women to run in the 2019 Alberta provincial election.

The group launched their She Leads Campaign 101 Workshops on Saturday with a panel discussion that drew more than 40 attendees.

Organizer Jenessa Crognali says the first session was about learning to navigate the nomination process — one of the first steps toward getting elected.

World News

Poor representation of women in politics

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Poor representation of women in politics


The 13% rise in the number of women voters compared to the 2013 Assembly elections is no doubt a good sign in a democratic set up. But, relatively, the number of women candidates fielded by all main political parties is abysmally low, although the total number has gone up from 170 in 2013 to 219 this year.

The 13% rise in the number of women voters compared to the 2013 Assembly elections is no doubt a good sign in a democratic set up. But, relatively, the number of women candidates fielded by all main political parties is abysmally low, although the total number has gone up from 170 in 2013 to 219 this year.

World News

Seychelles: Gender parity in President Faure’s revamped cabinet

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Seychelles: Gender parity in President Faure’s revamped cabinet


President Danny Faure has announced a cabinet reshuffle involving a reduction in the size of the Cabinet which will now comprise 10 ministers in addition to the president and the vicepresident.

President Danny Faure has announced a cabinet reshuffle involving a reduction in the size of the Cabinet which will now comprise 10 ministers in addition to the president and the vicepresident.

World News

President-elect unveils gender-balanced, multi-party Cabinet in Costa Rica

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President-elect unveils gender-balanced, multi-party Cabinet in Costa Rica


Carlos Alvarado, of the Citizen Action Party (PAC), based his presidential campaign during Costa Rica’s second electoral round on a promise of national unity. Last night, less than two weeks from Inauguration Day, he announced a Cabinet filled with familiar faces from five parties.

Carlos Alvarado, of the Citizen Action Party (PAC), based his presidential campaign during Costa Rica’s second electoral round on a promise of national unity. Last night, less than two weeks from Inauguration Day, he announced a Cabinet filled with familiar faces from five parties.