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Parliaments & Representatives

Women make up only 23.5% of Members of Parliament according to the latest available data of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. While significant strides in women’s political participation have been made since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995, which set Member States’ target of achieving gender balance in political decision-making, women are still underrepresented in political decision-making at all levels and gender balance remains an aspirational goal.  Gains in women’s participation have been notable in countries that have taken proactive steps to support women’s political participation, including reforming or amending discriminatory laws, taking concrete action to address violence against women in politics and gender discrimination within parliaments, addressing gender-specific barriers, and supporting women in all forms of decision-making including at local level and in executive government.

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World News

The role of women parliamentarians in the development of Uzbekistan

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The role of women parliamentarians in the development of Uzbekistan


Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( – On 13 April, the second forum on the topic "The role of women parliamentarians in the development of Uzbekistan" was held in the capital. The event was organized by the Republican Commission on Women’s Role in Society, Gender Equality and the Family, the Senate Committee on Women and Gender Equality, and the OSCE.

It was attended by senators and deputies, deputies of local Kengashes, members of the Youth Parliament, senior officials of state bodies and public organizations, representatives of international organizations and the media.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( – On 13 April, the second forum on the topic "The role of women parliamentarians in the development of Uzbekistan" was held in the capital. The event was organized by the Republican Commission on Women’s Role in Society, Gender Equality and the Family, the Senate Committee on Women and Gender Equality, and the OSCE.

It was attended by senators and deputies, deputies of local Kengashes, members of the Youth Parliament, senior officials of state bodies and public organizations, representatives of international organizations and the media.

World News

Dominique Anglade denounces double standard for women in politics

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Dominique Anglade denounces double standard for women in politics


The life of a politician isn’t easy — even less so if you’re the leader of a party and a woman, says Quebec Liberal Party leader Dominique Anglade.

In politics, women are judged more harshly in many respects, she says. They feel the pressure to be perfect at all times and must constantly prove themselves, with little room for anger or mistakes.

The life of a politician isn’t easy — even less so if you’re the leader of a party and a woman, says Quebec Liberal Party leader Dominique Anglade.

In politics, women are judged more harshly in many respects, she says. They feel the pressure to be perfect at all times and must constantly prove themselves, with little room for anger or mistakes.

Albania: Violence against women in politics

April 12, 2022

Albania: Violence against women in politics

The Study "Violence Against Women in Politics" is commissioned by the UNDP Albania, in partnership with the People's Advocate and the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination and it is conducted in the context of the UN Joint Programme "Ending Violence Against

The Study "Violence Against Women in Politics" is commissioned by the UNDP Albania, in partnership with the People's Advocate and the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination and it is conducted in the context of the UN Joint Programme "Ending Violence Against

World News

Albanian women in politics still suffering violence, study finds

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Albanian women in politics still suffering violence, study finds


A study conducted by the UNDP and Albanian partners, published on Wednesday, shows that women in Albanian politics still face routine discrimination, abuse and offensive language.

The findings of a study on “Violence against women in politics”, conducted by UNDP in cooperation with Albania’s Ombudsman and Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, were published on Wednesday at a roundtable held in the Albanian parliament.

A study conducted by the UNDP and Albanian partners, published on Wednesday, shows that women in Albanian politics still face routine discrimination, abuse and offensive language.

The findings of a study on “Violence against women in politics”, conducted by UNDP in cooperation with Albania’s Ombudsman and Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, were published on Wednesday at a roundtable held in the Albanian parliament.

World News

US: The proportion of elected city offices held by women rose by just 3% in 2022

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US: The proportion of elected city offices held by women rose by just 3% in 2022


Female mayors account for a little more than a quarter of the 100 largest U.S. cities.

The proportion of elected offices in U.S. cities held by women increased by 3% in 2022. Still, women make up less than a third of mayors, city council members and other local elected office holders following last year's municipal elections in New York, Boston and other large cities.

Female mayors account for a little more than a quarter of the 100 largest U.S. cities.

The proportion of elected offices in U.S. cities held by women increased by 3% in 2022. Still, women make up less than a third of mayors, city council members and other local elected office holders following last year's municipal elections in New York, Boston and other large cities.

World News

China limits women representation across top echelons of political system

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China limits women representation across top echelons of political system


Women have limited representation and voice across the top echelons of China's political system, said US-China Economic and Security Review Commission in a report.

Women have limited representation and voice across the top echelons of China's political system, said US-China Economic and Security Review Commission in a report.

Canada: Women in politics study

April 11, 2022

Canada: Women in politics study

This document presents the result of a series of surveys conducted by Abacus Data in January 2022, about women in politics and the future of women in politics.

This document presents the result of a series of surveys conducted by Abacus Data in January 2022, about women in politics and the future of women in politics.

2022 Women in US municipal office

April 11, 2022

2022 Women in US municipal office

Data provided by the Center for American Women and Politics and KnowWho Data Services. Numbers include members and officers of the municipal legislative branch of incorporated cities and towns with populations over 10,000 as per the U.S. Census.

Data provided by the Center for American Women and Politics and KnowWho Data Services. Numbers include members and officers of the municipal legislative branch of incorporated cities and towns with populations over 10,000 as per the U.S. Census.

World News

Here be trolls: New Zealand’s female politicians battle rising tide of misogyny

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Here be trolls: New Zealand’s female politicians battle rising tide of misogyny


Led by Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand women are entering uncharted territory in politics – and encountering increasing levels of abuse

In January 2020, a New Zealand man sent two emails to prime minister Jacinda Ardern: one threatening to “personally wipe [her] off this fucking planet” and another saying he would blow her head off. It was the violent culmination of 88 lengthy emails sent over a four month period to government officials in which he referred to them as criminals and terrorists.

Led by Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand women are entering uncharted territory in politics – and encountering increasing levels of abuse

In January 2020, a New Zealand man sent two emails to prime minister Jacinda Ardern: one threatening to “personally wipe [her] off this fucking planet” and another saying he would blow her head off. It was the violent culmination of 88 lengthy emails sent over a four month period to government officials in which he referred to them as criminals and terrorists.