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Women's Leadership

While there have been important advances in women’s leadership in politics, as of November 1 2017, women make up only 7.2% of Heads of State and 6.2% Heads of Government. Data on women representatives in local government, including as mayors, heads of villages and towns, is not well collected and analyzed. The adoption of an SDG indicator on women’s representation in local government is a great step forward in tracking progress on gender balance, allowing for the systematic collection and analysis of data on women in local government. Women’s access to and continued role in leadership positions is challenged by a range of barriers, including discriminatory laws and practices, as well as social norms that prescribe traditional roles and attitudes towards women’s participation in leadership and decision-making roles. Proactive gender-equality policies within political parties and local government structures, including quotas and special temporary measures, gender-sensitive approaches to electoral processes, support networks, mentoring, training, and engagement of male champions, can all help promote women’s role in political leadership. 

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World News

“Massive blind spot”: Anger at low proportion of women in Sunak’s cabinet

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“Massive blind spot”: Anger at low proportion of women in Sunak’s cabinet


Women’s groups express concern as just 23% of those named to new PM’s cabinet are female.

Women’s groups have reacted with concern and anger over the low representation of women in the new cabinet.

Women’s groups express concern as just 23% of those named to new PM’s cabinet are female.

Women’s groups have reacted with concern and anger over the low representation of women in the new cabinet.

African women in politics: Influence or just numbers?

November 8, 2022

African women in politics: Influence or just numbers?

The world we live in is marked by a profoundly unequal distribution of the burden of adversity between men and women. From Japan to Africa, to the United States of America, gender disparity exists in almost every country.

The world we live in is marked by a profoundly unequal distribution of the burden of adversity between men and women. From Japan to Africa, to the United States of America, gender disparity exists in almost every country.

Malaysia still far behind in women's political participation

November 7, 2022

Malaysia still far behind in women's political participation

MALAYSIA is viewed as progressive where gender equality and advancing women's rights are concerned.

MALAYSIA is viewed as progressive where gender equality and advancing women's rights are concerned.

“Where is Nancy?”: How threats against women in power are tied to threats against democracy

November 7, 2022

“Where is Nancy?”: How threats against women in power are tied to threats against democracy

The attack on Paul Pelosi in his home by an assailant who reportedly was looking for the House speaker highlights the danger of the outrage and vitriol that often particularly targets women in positions of power. 

The attack on Paul Pelosi in his home by an assailant who reportedly was looking for the House speaker highlights the danger of the outrage and vitriol that often particularly targets women in positions of power. 

World News

Female politicians disadvantaged by online prejudices and stereotypes

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Female politicians disadvantaged by online prejudices and stereotypes



In Reddit comments, female politicians are more likely to be referred to by their first names, and with a less professional focus, than their male counterparts. This a new study from the University of Copenhagen finds. Previous work from the researchers investigated gender differences in search engine results and language models with the same main conclusion: gender bias is widespread online. According to the researchers, this disadvantages female politicians.


In Reddit comments, female politicians are more likely to be referred to by their first names, and with a less professional focus, than their male counterparts. This a new study from the University of Copenhagen finds. Previous work from the researchers investigated gender differences in search engine results and language models with the same main conclusion: gender bias is widespread online. According to the researchers, this disadvantages female politicians.

World News

Data shows the need to redouble efforts to enhance women in leadership posts in South-East Asia

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Data shows the need to redouble efforts to enhance women in leadership posts in South-East Asia


Phnom Penh, Cambodia — Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) must redouble efforts to correct the slim representation of women in leadership posts across multiple sectors of society – or they will risk holding back the region’s full potential for COVID-19 pandemic recovery and sustainable growth.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia — Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) must redouble efforts to correct the slim representation of women in leadership posts across multiple sectors of society – or they will risk holding back the region’s full potential for COVID-19 pandemic recovery and sustainable growth.

Women’s leadership in the ASEAN region

November 4, 2022

Women’s leadership in the ASEAN region

Gender equality and women’s empowerment are central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Community Vision 2025 of the Association for Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). They are also key to fostering a more sustainable and inclusive region.

Gender equality and women’s empowerment are central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Community Vision 2025 of the Association for Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). They are also key to fostering a more sustainable and inclusive region.

World News

UNDP, UN Women support women’s political participation in Iraq

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UNDP, UN Women support women’s political participation in Iraq


Baghdad ( – The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (UN Women) in Iraq signed on Monday a one million USD partnership agreement in Baghdad to support women’s political participation and representation in Iraq, according to a press statement issued by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

Baghdad ( – The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (UN Women) in Iraq signed on Monday a one million USD partnership agreement in Baghdad to support women’s political participation and representation in Iraq, according to a press statement issued by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

Interventions to end online violence against women in politics

October 31, 2022

Interventions to end online violence against women in politics

Online violence against women in politics (OVAW-P) poses a deepening challenge to democracy, serving as a key tool of illiberalism and democratic backsliding across the globe.

Online violence against women in politics (OVAW-P) poses a deepening challenge to democracy, serving as a key tool of illiberalism and democratic backsliding across the globe.