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Women's Leadership

While there have been important advances in women’s leadership in politics, as of November 1 2017, women make up only 7.2% of Heads of State and 6.2% Heads of Government. Data on women representatives in local government, including as mayors, heads of villages and towns, is not well collected and analyzed. The adoption of an SDG indicator on women’s representation in local government is a great step forward in tracking progress on gender balance, allowing for the systematic collection and analysis of data on women in local government. Women’s access to and continued role in leadership positions is challenged by a range of barriers, including discriminatory laws and practices, as well as social norms that prescribe traditional roles and attitudes towards women’s participation in leadership and decision-making roles. Proactive gender-equality policies within political parties and local government structures, including quotas and special temporary measures, gender-sensitive approaches to electoral processes, support networks, mentoring, training, and engagement of male champions, can all help promote women’s role in political leadership. 

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Yes, women are allowed to party, even when they’re PM. Finnish women back Sanna Marin with  #solidaritywithsanna videos

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Yes, women are allowed to party, even when they’re PM. Finnish women back Sanna Marin with  #solidaritywithsanna videos


The women of Finland are backing their prime minister, Sanna Marin, by posting videos and memes of themselves on social media showing them dancing and having a good time, accompanied with #solidaritywithsanna

The women of Finland are backing their prime minister, Sanna Marin, by posting videos and memes of themselves on social media showing them dancing and having a good time, accompanied with #solidaritywithsanna

Equal representation? The debate over gender quotas (Part 2)

August 23, 2022

Equal representation? The debate over gender quotas (Part 2)

This article is the second in a two-part series examining the impact of gender quotas.

This article is the second in a two-part series examining the impact of gender quotas.

Five indigenous women leaders you should know about

August 22, 2022

Five indigenous women leaders you should know about

As custodians of natural resources and archivists of scientific and traditional knowledge, Indigenous women play an essential role in preserving forests and natural ecosystems.

As custodians of natural resources and archivists of scientific and traditional knowledge, Indigenous women play an essential role in preserving forests and natural ecosystems.

Why India took 75 years to get its first tribal woman president

August 22, 2022

Why India took 75 years to get its first tribal woman president

In the larger scheme of things, where global capital and politics come into the picture, tribal women’s voices are missing.

In the larger scheme of things, where global capital and politics come into the picture, tribal women’s voices are missing.

Creating space for women pays off

August 10, 2022

Creating space for women pays off

Three powerful women in charge of finance, defence and foreign affairs frame the Canadian Prime Minister during press conferences. It’s the first time in our history that these three top cabinet jobs have been held simultaneously by women.

Three powerful women in charge of finance, defence and foreign affairs frame the Canadian Prime Minister during press conferences. It’s the first time in our history that these three top cabinet jobs have been held simultaneously by women.

Canada: Toward parity knowledge hub

August 9, 2022

Canada: Toward parity knowledge hub

This compilation of resources from across Canada and around the world are some of the many tools, best practices, projects, research and ideas which have been pulled together with the hopes of promoting and achieving parity in municipal representation.

This compilation of resources from across Canada and around the world are some of the many tools, best practices, projects, research and ideas which have been pulled together with the hopes of promoting and achieving parity in municipal representation.

Toward parity: Inventory of strategies

August 8, 2022

Toward parity: Inventory of strategies

A compendium of ideas to reach gender parity in municipal politics

How can we begin to overcome the countless obstacles that are preventing women from fully participating in municipal politics? 

A compendium of ideas to reach gender parity in municipal politics

How can we begin to overcome the countless obstacles that are preventing women from fully participating in municipal politics? 

Enhancing inclusive political participation and representation in Africa

August 5, 2022

Enhancing inclusive political participation and representation in Africa

Africa has made significant progress in enhancing inclusive political participation and representation, mostly for women, youth and people living with disabilities. This report unpacks the trends and challenges of inclusive participation in Africa.

Africa has made significant progress in enhancing inclusive political participation and representation, mostly for women, youth and people living with disabilities. This report unpacks the trends and challenges of inclusive participation in Africa.