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An effective political campaign is a connected series of operations designed to persuade constituents to vote for you, your candidate, a party or an issue. Campaigns require methodical planning, organization and implementation.

Women face a number of obstacles implementing effective, winning campaigns. Women generally have more difficulty than men do in raising sufficient funds to win a campaign, in large part because they are traditionally not the primary breadwinners. Similarly, women may not have equal access to decision-making regarding the distribution of funds. Traditionally, women must earn the internal support of their party or, alternatively, work even harder to win as independent candidates. Rather than focusing on the substance of a campaign and its message, the media and the public may focus instead on the appearance of a woman candidate or her role in the home. To earn the support of their own party and constituents, women must work harder than men do to create clean, targeted and compelling messages.

World News


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Raising the sights of young women from across the Middle East and North Africa who aspire to political careers was among the accomplishments of the Young Women Leaders Academy (YWLA), a 10-day program held recently in Doha, Qatar.

Raising the sights of young women from across the Middle East and North Africa who aspire to political careers was among the accomplishments of the Young Women Leaders Academy (YWLA), a 10-day program held recently in Doha, Qatar.

Prevention of Family Voting

July 3, 2009

Prevention of Family Voting

This consolidated response includes descriptions of family and proxy voting and provides recommendations on how to eliminate family voting through holding trainings and public awareness campaigns, strengthening legislative frameworks, and sensitizing election commissioners and observers on issues

This consolidated response includes descriptions of family and proxy voting and provides recommendations on how to eliminate family voting through holding trainings and public awareness campaigns, strengthening legislative frameworks, and sensitizing election commissioners and observers on issues

Ina Puken Tula Tuen Lewotana - The Woman Who Changed the World

May 27, 2009

Ina Puken Tula Tuen Lewotana - The Woman Who Changed the World

This video introduces Petronela Peni, the first woman village head in Flores. Gender inequality in her customs made the struggles of Peni and her women colleagues difficult, but gradually she won the trust and support of her people.

This video introduces Petronela Peni, the first woman village head in Flores. Gender inequality in her customs made the struggles of Peni and her women colleagues difficult, but gradually she won the trust and support of her people.

Promoting Gender Equity in Local Governance – a Toolkit

May 21, 2009

Promoting Gender Equity in Local Governance – a Toolkit

This report describes lessons learned from the implementation of gender equity policies in some Latin American countries and provides recommendations on how to hold successful advocacy campaigns.

This report describes lessons learned from the implementation of gender equity policies in some Latin American countries and provides recommendations on how to hold successful advocacy campaigns.


Women’s Political Participation in Traditional and Conservative Societies

April 1, 2009

Women’s Political Participation in Traditional and Conservative Societies

This consolidated response highlights types of positive action measures, advocacy campaigns, women’s movements, and educational opportunities that help women in traditional and conservative societies to overcome some of the barriers that they face in politics and public life.

This consolidated response highlights types of positive action measures, advocacy campaigns, women’s movements, and educational opportunities that help women in traditional and conservative societies to overcome some of the barriers that they face in politics and public life.

Temporary Special Measures To Promote Gender Balance In Pacific Legislatures: A Guide to Options

March 27, 2009

Temporary Special Measures To Promote Gender Balance In Pacific Legislatures: A Guide to Options

This guide provides practical recommendations and tools on how to promote women in parliaments in the Pacific region. It describes the use of special measures such as reserved seats and political party quotas, and special campaigning tools.

This guide provides practical recommendations and tools on how to promote women in parliaments in the Pacific region. It describes the use of special measures such as reserved seats and political party quotas, and special campaigning tools.


E-Discussion on Working with Men to Promote Women in Politics


E-Discussion on Working with Men to Promote Women in Politics

The E-Discussion will create an opportunity for both men and women in politics to share their experiences, strategies and examples in building partnerships and addressing the imbalance for society

Financing Women Candidates in Muslim Countries

January 23, 2009

Financing Women Candidates in Muslim Countries

This consolidated response highlights barriers faced by women in Muslim countries in funding their political campaigns and participating in public life.

This consolidated response highlights barriers faced by women in Muslim countries in funding their political campaigns and participating in public life.