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Capacity Building

Although much of the iKNOW Politics network is dedicated to increasing women’s political knowledge and participation, there are a number of skills that, while not explicitly political, are necessary to succeed in politics.



World News

The initiative + Women Best Democracy presents a proposal to increase the political participation of women

Submitted by admin2 on

The initiative + Women Best Democracy presents a proposal to increase the political participation of women


In Paraguay, the Ministry of Women, along with the Superior Electoral Court, UN Women and UNDP have developed the project + MujeresMejorDemocracia.

In Paraguay, the Ministry of Women, along with the Superior Electoral Court, UN Women and UNDP have developed the project + MujeresMejorDemocracia.

Ready for success: training manual for potential woman candidates in Vietnamese election

August 15, 2015

Ready for success: training manual for potential woman candidates in Vietnamese election

Besides equipping the readers with the most useful knowledge about Viet Nam’s political system and election process, the intention of this manual is to ensure that potential woman candidates understand they have the equal right to stand up, represent and raise their v

Besides equipping the readers with the most useful knowledge about Viet Nam’s political system and election process, the intention of this manual is to ensure that potential woman candidates understand they have the equal right to stand up, represent and raise their v

World News

The woman behind a massively influential political movement

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The woman behind a massively influential political movement


Since Stephanie Schriock became president of EMILY's List, the political action committee focused on getting more pro-choice Democratic women elected to office, much has changed. The organization has raised more than $52 million and helped elect 62 women to the House and the Senate.

Since Stephanie Schriock became president of EMILY's List, the political action committee focused on getting more pro-choice Democratic women elected to office, much has changed. The organization has raised more than $52 million and helped elect 62 women to the House and the Senate.




Mentorship programs to support candidates and elected female MPs beyond training and study tours

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Mentorship programs to support candidates and elected female MPs beyond training and study tours

In this discussion we would like to hear from you on whether you ever been part of a mentorship program (as mentor or mentee) and if so, could you share your experiences? Do you know of successful mentorship and why these projects were successful?

In this discussion we would like to hear from you on whether you ever been part of a mentorship program (as mentor or mentee) and if so, could you share your experiences? Do you know of successful mentorship and why these projects were successful?