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Capacity Building

Although much of the iKNOW Politics network is dedicated to increasing women’s political knowledge and participation, there are a number of skills that, while not explicitly political, are necessary to succeed in politics.

New Technologies and Women in Arab Countries: A Forest Of Concepts, A Complex Reality

August 15, 2007

New Technologies and Women in Arab Countries: A Forest Of Concepts, A Complex Reality

This paper describes the notion of cyberfeminism and its implications in North Africa and Middle East with a specific focus on socio-economic and political developments in the region. It also illustrates the impact of technological advancement on women.

This paper describes the notion of cyberfeminism and its implications in North Africa and Middle East with a specific focus on socio-economic and political developments in the region. It also illustrates the impact of technological advancement on women.



Women's Involvement In Local Leadership (WILL)

July 24, 2007

Women's Involvement In Local Leadership (WILL)

This report highlights the findings of the Women's Involvement in Local Leadership (WILL) research program examining how elements of program design and implementation contribute to the cultivation of women's leadership and enhance the democratic process in conflict-affected communities in Iraq, C

This report highlights the findings of the Women's Involvement in Local Leadership (WILL) research program examining how elements of program design and implementation contribute to the cultivation of women's leadership and enhance the democratic process in conflict-affected communities in Iraq, C

Women and Local Self Governance In An Indian Context

June 4, 2007

Women and Local Self Governance In An Indian Context

This report discusses women's role in local government in India. It provides a historical background for the Panchayat Raj, or Indian village councils, and discusses women's participation in such councils.

This report discusses women's role in local government in India. It provides a historical background for the Panchayat Raj, or Indian village councils, and discusses women's participation in such councils.

Empowerment Through Technology: Gender Dimensions Of Social Capital Build-Up In Maharashtra, India

May 15, 2007

Empowerment Through Technology: Gender Dimensions Of Social Capital Build-Up In Maharashtra, India

This paper explores how and to what extent women and men have benefited from the build-up of social capital in technology uptake, and the role of women in this process. The focus of the paper is on collective action as a mechanism to stimulate gender-equitable change processes.

This paper explores how and to what extent women and men have benefited from the build-up of social capital in technology uptake, and the role of women in this process. The focus of the paper is on collective action as a mechanism to stimulate gender-equitable change processes.

Participatory Approaches to Increasing Women’s Voice in CDD Projects: Example from Indonesia

April 19, 2007

Participatory Approaches to Increasing Women’s Voice in CDD Projects: Example from Indonesia

This report highlights key features of the approaches used in Indonesia to ensure women’s voice in community-driven development (CDD) projects. It focuses particularly on the Kecamatan Development Projects (KDP) and the Water and Sanitation for Low Income Communities Projects (WSLIC).

This report highlights key features of the approaches used in Indonesia to ensure women’s voice in community-driven development (CDD) projects. It focuses particularly on the Kecamatan Development Projects (KDP) and the Water and Sanitation for Low Income Communities Projects (WSLIC).

Improving Women’s Lives: World Bank Actions Since Beijing

April 19, 2007

Improving Women’s Lives: World Bank Actions Since Beijing

This report describes the efforts of the World Bank to achieve the goals set forth in the Beijing Platform for Action.

This report describes the efforts of the World Bank to achieve the goals set forth in the Beijing Platform for Action.

Women's Learning Partnership (WLP)

April 5, 2007

Women's Learning Partnership (WLP)

The Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) for rights, development, and peace is dedicated to women's leadership and empowerment.

The Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) for rights, development, and peace is dedicated to women's leadership and empowerment.