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Constitution and Legislative Reform

Enhancing youth political participation throughout the electoral cycle

April 28, 2014

Enhancing youth political participation throughout the electoral cycle

The inclusion of youth in formal politics is important, as the 2011/2012 arab States popular uprisings and various occupy movements have demonstrated.
The inclusion of youth in formal politics is important, as the 2011/2012 arab States popular uprisings and various occupy movements have demonstrated.


Women’s participation in politics in (post) conflict countries: Role of women in peace negotiations

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Women’s participation in politics in (post) conflict countries: Role of women in peace negotiations

“Wherever there is conflict, women must be part of the solution” – Michelle Bachelet

“Wherever there is conflict, women must be part of the solution” – Michelle Bachelet

World News

Somaliland: First steps taken to increase women’s participation in politics

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Somaliland: First steps taken to increase women’s participation in politics


In recent months, the developing nation of Somaliland has made a number of steps towards encouraging the active participation of women throughout its institutions. As the writer of the article below notes, newly-elected President Hon. Musa Bihi Abdiand and his cabinet made several suggestions on ensuring the inclusion of women in politics through a bill that is soon to be passed.

In recent months, the developing nation of Somaliland has made a number of steps towards encouraging the active participation of women throughout its institutions. As the writer of the article below notes, newly-elected President Hon. Musa Bihi Abdiand and his cabinet made several suggestions on ensuring the inclusion of women in politics through a bill that is soon to be passed.

Framework for the Consolidation of Parity Democracy

February 10, 2016

Framework for the Consolidation of Parity Democracy

In 2013 the 29th General Assembly of the Latin American Parliament, that took place on 19-20 October, approved the Resolution on the political participation of women, which “reaffirms the

In 2013 the 29th General Assembly of the Latin American Parliament, that took place on 19-20 October, approved the Resolution on the political participation of women, which “reaffirms the

World News

Mexican women politicians agree to a special protocol against political violence

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Mexican women politicians agree to a special protocol against political violence


In the state of Morelos (Mexico), it met last January 28 a group of women holding public office occupied or to arrange a special protocol for women who suffer political violence.

In the state of Morelos (Mexico), it met last January 28 a group of women holding public office occupied or to arrange a special protocol for women who suffer political violence.

World News

Chilean Senate approves criteria of gender quotas for political parties

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Chilean Senate approves criteria of gender quotas for political parties


The Chamber of the Chilean Senate approved with 35 votes in favor, the new law on political parties, in the absence of some outstanding voting points. This new law aims to advance internal democracy of political parties in Chile and has a special interest in gender equality. Thus, neither men nor women may exceed the threshold of 60% on the candidates for the various elections held in the country.

The Chamber of the Chilean Senate approved with 35 votes in favor, the new law on political parties, in the absence of some outstanding voting points. This new law aims to advance internal democracy of political parties in Chile and has a special interest in gender equality. Thus, neither men nor women may exceed the threshold of 60% on the candidates for the various elections held in the country.

World News

Ms. Margot Wallström, Swedish Foreign Minister, Defines as 'Medieval' Saudi Arabia's Treatment of Women

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Ms. Margot Wallström, Swedish Foreign Minister, Defines as 'Medieval' Saudi Arabia's Treatment of Women


The Swedish Foreign Minister, Margot Wallström, declared that Saudi Arabia’s measures against women are ‘medieval’. The declarations followed the decision by the Saudi courts of ordering that Raif Badawi, who had created a webpage encouraging free speech, must receive 1,000 lashes and ten years in prison. Furthermore, Wallström said that these kind of methods are a ‘cruel attempt to silence modern forms of expression’.

The Swedish Foreign Minister, Margot Wallström, declared that Saudi Arabia’s measures against women are ‘medieval’. The declarations followed the decision by the Saudi courts of ordering that Raif Badawi, who had created a webpage encouraging free speech, must receive 1,000 lashes and ten years in prison. Furthermore, Wallström said that these kind of methods are a ‘cruel attempt to silence modern forms of expression’.

World News

The Latin American and the Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino) Approved 'Framework Law on Parity Democracy'

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The Latin American and the Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino) Approved 'Framework Law on Parity Democracy'


The Latin American and the Caribbean Parliament, Parlatino, approved on 1 December 2015 the ‘Framework Law on Parity Democracy’, developed with the support of UN Women.

The Latin American and the Caribbean Parliament, Parlatino, approved on 1 December 2015 the ‘Framework Law on Parity Democracy’, developed with the support of UN Women.