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Constitution and Legislative Reform

World News

Forum of the Arab Women Parliamentarians Network for Equality "Ra'edat" in Morocco

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Forum of the Arab Women Parliamentarians Network for Equality "Ra'edat" in Morocco


“Advocating women’s right to equal representation in the decision making process is not only our duty towards women, it is our duty to our countries because women’s participation makes a difference and enhances the quality of policy making," says Dr Rula Alhroob, member of the Jordanian House of Representatives and President of the

“Advocating women’s right to equal representation in the decision making process is not only our duty towards women, it is our duty to our countries because women’s participation makes a difference and enhances the quality of policy making," says Dr Rula Alhroob, member of the Jordanian House of Representatives and President of the

World News

The Power of Legislation for Women’s Empowerment and Sustainable Development

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The Power of Legislation for Women’s Empowerment and Sustainable Development


The Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU) will hold its annual parliamentary meeting on the occasion of the 60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), at UN Headquarters in New York, in cooperation with UN Women on March 15, 2016.


The Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU) will hold its annual parliamentary meeting on the occasion of the 60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), at UN Headquarters in New York, in cooperation with UN Women on March 15, 2016.


World News

Upcoming National Gender Policy in Somalia

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Upcoming National Gender Policy in Somalia


"The Government is committed to developing a framework for integrating a gender perspective in all policy and programmes" said Minister of Women and Human Rights Development of the Federal government, Mrs Sahra Mohamed Ali. She also added that the overarching goal of the future policy, which will be submitted to the cabinet for approval once finalized, is to mainstream gender equality concerns into the national development processes.


"The Government is committed to developing a framework for integrating a gender perspective in all policy and programmes" said Minister of Women and Human Rights Development of the Federal government, Mrs Sahra Mohamed Ali. She also added that the overarching goal of the future policy, which will be submitted to the cabinet for approval once finalized, is to mainstream gender equality concerns into the national development processes.



Law as a first step to equal rights

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By Graziele Grilo I watched the movie “The Judge” and one quote of Billy Bob Thornton’s character got my attention. At a certain point in the movie, he says “The law is the only thing capable of making people equal”. I kept thinking about it because it reminded me of an article published during International Women’s Day stating how many laws still exist that prevent women from having equal rights.