Finland’s Maria Ohisalo: Navigation through Covid-19 requires leadership based on win-win approach
Source: Forbes
By Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj,
The world is facing a shared threat through Covid-19 but our experiences are hugely different, partly due to how our governments think and react. No matter how strongly we value our personal freedoms or how disconnected we feel from our politicians, the impact of their decisions has ramifications on how their citizens are exposed to Covid-19.
What is particularly pertinent in this experience is the lack of a blueprint: none of us has experienced anything like this before and so politicians have to draw on their core strengths of leadership to make these decisions. What is more interesting is the process leaders use to make decisions which have very different outcomes in the face of the same threat. Unlike war in its traditional sense there isn’t a need for a show of strength or an aggressive approach to conquering the enemy. The race to understand how the virus grows and mutates, and the rush to find medical preventative measures, demonstrates that this is unchartered territory and so the rule books are out of the window.
Click here to read the full article published by Forbes on 20 May 2020.
By Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj,
The world is facing a shared threat through Covid-19 but our experiences are hugely different, partly due to how our governments think and react. No matter how strongly we value our personal freedoms or how disconnected we feel from our politicians, the impact of their decisions has ramifications on how their citizens are exposed to Covid-19.
What is particularly pertinent in this experience is the lack of a blueprint: none of us has experienced anything like this before and so politicians have to draw on their core strengths of leadership to make these decisions. What is more interesting is the process leaders use to make decisions which have very different outcomes in the face of the same threat. Unlike war in its traditional sense there isn’t a need for a show of strength or an aggressive approach to conquering the enemy. The race to understand how the virus grows and mutates, and the rush to find medical preventative measures, demonstrates that this is unchartered territory and so the rule books are out of the window.
Click here to read the full article published by Forbes on 20 May 2020.