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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Ana Pastor elected President of the Congress of Deputies in Spain

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Ana Pastor elected President of the Congress of Deputies in Spain


The Congress of Deputies of Spain has chosen a woman, Ana Pastor, as president for the 12th Legislature last July 19. Ana Pastor, a graduate in medicine and until then Minister of Public Works and Transport of Spain and Member of Parliament for the province of Pontevedra, was elected president of the lower house on second ballot.

The Congress of Deputies of Spain has chosen a woman, Ana Pastor, as president for the 12th Legislature last July 19. Ana Pastor, a graduate in medicine and until then Minister of Public Works and Transport of Spain and Member of Parliament for the province of Pontevedra, was elected president of the lower house on second ballot.

World News

Pew Research study on how gender relates to political attitudes

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Pew Research study on how gender relates to political attitudes


In a political context marked by the historical fact that a woman is the leading candidate for presidential nomination of a major USA political party, Hillary Clinton, Pew Research Center Survey explains how gender relates to poli

In a political context marked by the historical fact that a woman is the leading candidate for presidential nomination of a major USA political party, Hillary Clinton, Pew Research Center Survey explains how gender relates to poli

Framework for the Consolidation of Parity Democracy

February 10, 2016

Framework for the Consolidation of Parity Democracy

In 2013 the 29th General Assembly of the Latin American Parliament, that took place on 19-20 October, approved the Resolution on the political participation of women, which “reaffirms the

In 2013 the 29th General Assembly of the Latin American Parliament, that took place on 19-20 October, approved the Resolution on the political participation of women, which “reaffirms the

World News

Online platform 'Representation 2020. A Century from Suffrage to Parity' works for women's political empowerment

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Online platform 'Representation 2020. A Century from Suffrage to Parity' works for women's political empowerment


World News

United Nations and the Network of Women in Plural urge for justice after the murder of the mayor of Temixco

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United Nations and the Network of Women in Plural urge for justice after the murder of the mayor of Temixco


After an election campaign that had acrimoniously questioned the relevance of the political participation of women, the last elections in Mexico to renew the local Congress in Morelos resulted in the election of six local deputies and six mayors. One of these mayors was Gisela Raquel Mota Ocampo, killed the day after taking office.

After an election campaign that had acrimoniously questioned the relevance of the political participation of women, the last elections in Mexico to renew the local Congress in Morelos resulted in the election of six local deputies and six mayors. One of these mayors was Gisela Raquel Mota Ocampo, killed the day after taking office.

World News

Ireland's Prime Minister, Mr. Enda Kenny, declares his intention to constitute a parity government if he wins the elections

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Ireland's Prime Minister, Mr. Enda Kenny, declares his intention to constitute a parity government if he wins the elections


Ireland’s Prime Minister, or Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, has recently declared his intentions to constitute a parity government if he is to continue in power after the next elections.

Ireland’s Prime Minister, or Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, has recently declared his intentions to constitute a parity government if he is to continue in power after the next elections.