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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Czech parties with few female candidates may lose subsidies

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Czech parties with few female candidates may lose subsidies


Political parties that have less than 30 percent female representation in their lists of candidates for the general and regional elections may get less money from the state per mandate gained, according to a draft amendment to the election law, which daily Právo writes about today.

The provision was initiated by Human Rights Minister Jiří Dienstbier (Social Democrats, ČSSD).

Political parties that have less than 30 percent female representation in their lists of candidates for the general and regional elections may get less money from the state per mandate gained, according to a draft amendment to the election law, which daily Právo writes about today.

The provision was initiated by Human Rights Minister Jiří Dienstbier (Social Democrats, ČSSD).

World News

Why Michele Bachmann should run for president in 2 charts (USA)

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Why Michele Bachmann should run for president in 2 charts (USA)


Michele Bachmann, who is retiring from Congress at the end of her term, is stoking speculation that she might mount a second bid for the White House.

Michele Bachmann, who is retiring from Congress at the end of her term, is stoking speculation that she might mount a second bid for the White House.

World News

Gabrielle Bardall


Gabrielle Bardall is an academic and an electoral assistance expert with a decade of experience supporting electoral processes in transitional states. She has worked in more than 25 countries with international organizations including UNDP, UN Women, DPKO, IFES, DRI, Carter Center and others.

World News

30 trained to contest elections

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30 trained to contest elections


THIRTY Bahraini women are being trained to contest the upcoming parliamentary and municipal elections.

The four-phase programme, organised by the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), focuses on skills training, political empowerment of women, knowledge sharing and simulation activities.

The group, which includes prominent businesswomen, outgoing female MPs, public and private employees and social activists, has been undergoing training since January last year and their fourth session will end after Ramadan.

THIRTY Bahraini women are being trained to contest the upcoming parliamentary and municipal elections.

The four-phase programme, organised by the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), focuses on skills training, political empowerment of women, knowledge sharing and simulation activities.

The group, which includes prominent businesswomen, outgoing female MPs, public and private employees and social activists, has been undergoing training since January last year and their fourth session will end after Ramadan.

World News

Nine women to fight election, Bahrain

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Nine women to fight election, Bahrain


Nine Bahraini women have confirmed their candidacy for the upcoming parliament and municipal council elections.

However, they said they will reveal their election campaigns closer to the polls, which are expected to take place in November.

Six women will run for parliament including Shura Council Affairs director under the Minister of State for Parliament and Shura Council Affairs Dina Al Fayez, Golden Trust president Dr Lulwa Al Mutlaq and Daskalide director Huda Radhi.

Nine Bahraini women have confirmed their candidacy for the upcoming parliament and municipal council elections.

However, they said they will reveal their election campaigns closer to the polls, which are expected to take place in November.

Six women will run for parliament including Shura Council Affairs director under the Minister of State for Parliament and Shura Council Affairs Dina Al Fayez, Golden Trust president Dr Lulwa Al Mutlaq and Daskalide director Huda Radhi.

World News

Umno has failed to promote women in politics — Dyana Sofya

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Umno has failed to promote women in politics — Dyana Sofya


Apparently, some people feel that Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail may not be a suitable candidate for the Selangor menteri besar post because she suffers from “uzur syarie” (menses).


This statement from UMNO legal adviser Dato’ Hafarizam is another testament to show how UMNO has failed to promote women in politics. This is unsurprising when even the UMNO Wanita Chief belittled my candidacy during the Teluk Intan By-election.

Apparently, some people feel that Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail may not be a suitable candidate for the Selangor menteri besar post because she suffers from “uzur syarie” (menses).


This statement from UMNO legal adviser Dato’ Hafarizam is another testament to show how UMNO has failed to promote women in politics. This is unsurprising when even the UMNO Wanita Chief belittled my candidacy during the Teluk Intan By-election.

World News

Ten women candidates from Nepal panel, nine from Oli emerge victorious

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Ten women candidates from Nepal panel, nine from Oli emerge victorious


As the vote count at the UML general convention continues, 10 women candidates from Madhav Kumar Nepal panel and nine contestants from KP Oli have won the election to the Central Committee of the party. 

We invite our users to read the full article published on July 16th 2014.

As the vote count at the UML general convention continues, 10 women candidates from Madhav Kumar Nepal panel and nine contestants from KP Oli have won the election to the Central Committee of the party. 

We invite our users to read the full article published on July 16th 2014.