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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Former Gov. Madeleine Kunin says more Democratic female candidates wanted and needed, USA

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Former Gov. Madeleine Kunin says more Democratic female candidates wanted and needed, USA


Six female members of the Vermont House of Representatives flanked former Democratic Gov. Madeleine Kunin Monday as she announced the launch of Emerge Vermont, an organization that will recruit, train and mentor Democratic women to run for political office.

Kunin said Vermont could be proud that 41 percent of the Vermont Legislature is female and half the 96 Democratic seats in the House are held by women. 

We invite our users to read the complete article published September 23 2013

Six female members of the Vermont House of Representatives flanked former Democratic Gov. Madeleine Kunin Monday as she announced the launch of Emerge Vermont, an organization that will recruit, train and mentor Democratic women to run for political office.

Kunin said Vermont could be proud that 41 percent of the Vermont Legislature is female and half the 96 Democratic seats in the House are held by women. 

We invite our users to read the complete article published September 23 2013

Promoting women´s political representation overseas

September 20, 2013

Promoting women´s political representation overseas

Women make up over half of the world’s population – but they hold only about one-fifth of the seats in national legislatures across the globe.
Women make up over half of the world’s population – but they hold only about one-fifth of the seats in national legislatures across the globe.

World News

As Election Nears in Afghanistan, Women’s Political Participation Is Critical

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As Election Nears in Afghanistan, Women’s Political Participation Is Critical


Last May, Afghanistan’s upper house of parliament quietly removed an electoral law that stipulated that a quarter of all provincial council seats should be allotted to women. When women politicians found out nearly a month later, they fought to have the bill recalled. In July, the lower house reinstated the law, but lowered the allotment to 20 percent.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 18 2013

Last May, Afghanistan’s upper house of parliament quietly removed an electoral law that stipulated that a quarter of all provincial council seats should be allotted to women. When women politicians found out nearly a month later, they fought to have the bill recalled. In July, the lower house reinstated the law, but lowered the allotment to 20 percent.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 18 2013

World News

Women still struggling to win big-city mayoral jobs, USA

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Women still struggling to win big-city mayoral jobs, USA


High-profile mayoral elections this year have already proved that the steps to City Hall remain steep for female candidates.

Only one of the nation's 10 largest cities is run by a woman: Annise Parker of Houston, who faces re-election in November. Just 12 of the 100 largest cities have women in the top job, including Fort Worth, Baltimore and Las Vegas.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 19 2013

High-profile mayoral elections this year have already proved that the steps to City Hall remain steep for female candidates.

Only one of the nation's 10 largest cities is run by a woman: Annise Parker of Houston, who faces re-election in November. Just 12 of the 100 largest cities have women in the top job, including Fort Worth, Baltimore and Las Vegas.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 19 2013

World News

Quotas best way to elect more women

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Quotas best way to elect more women


Women's representation in parliaments is most likely to increase where there is some sort of system of quotas, an analysis of international elections held last year shows.

Women's representation in parliaments is most likely to increase where there is some sort of system of quotas, an analysis of international elections held last year shows.

World News

Women Who Made It to Parliament, Rwanda

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Women Who Made It to Parliament, Rwanda


The just concluded parliamentary elections featured women who didn't ask for equality and leadership to be handed to them on a platter. They chose to fight it out with male candidates for their respective positions. They spent weeks of vigorous campaigning and some of them were evaluated according to their previous performance.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 18 2013

The just concluded parliamentary elections featured women who didn't ask for equality and leadership to be handed to them on a platter. They chose to fight it out with male candidates for their respective positions. They spent weeks of vigorous campaigning and some of them were evaluated according to their previous performance.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 18 2013

World News

Women prevented from voting during NA-25 DI Khan by-elections, Pakistan

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Women prevented from voting during NA-25 DI Khan by-elections, Pakistan


Women voters were prevented from participating in the by-elections taking place in the Union Council Kari Shamuzi NA-25 earlier today, Express News reported.

The reason behind this is not yet known.

There are 308 polling stations where voting will take place till 5 pm.

There have been similar previous incidents in the past when women were prevented to vote. Not a single woman could cast her vote in NA-103 Hafizabad during the by-elections in August.

Women voters were prevented from participating in the by-elections taking place in the Union Council Kari Shamuzi NA-25 earlier today, Express News reported.

The reason behind this is not yet known.

There are 308 polling stations where voting will take place till 5 pm.

There have been similar previous incidents in the past when women were prevented to vote. Not a single woman could cast her vote in NA-103 Hafizabad during the by-elections in August.

World News

Where have all the women gone? Panel will talk L.A. gender politics, USA

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Where have all the women gone? Panel will talk L.A. gender politics, USA


Why are there so few female elected officials in the second largest city in the country? Of 18 elected positions in City Hall, only one is held by a woman — Nury Martinez, who joined the council in July.

By comparison, at least 36 percent of the New York City Council is female (at least, there are 18 members of the women’s caucus, and with 50 council members, do the math) as is the speaker, Christine Quinn.

Why are there so few female elected officials in the second largest city in the country? Of 18 elected positions in City Hall, only one is held by a woman — Nury Martinez, who joined the council in July.

By comparison, at least 36 percent of the New York City Council is female (at least, there are 18 members of the women’s caucus, and with 50 council members, do the math) as is the speaker, Christine Quinn.

World News

Disappointing Number of Women in Cabinet, Zimbabwe

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Disappointing Number of Women in Cabinet, Zimbabwe


Women make up 34% of the 8th Parliament of Zimbabwe, with 32% in the National Assembly and 48% of Senate. Although the quota for women in parliament led to the dramatic increase from 19% in 2008 to 34%, the number of women who actually won, fell from 34 to 26. The cabinet appointments were the country's last opportunity to bolster the numbers of women in power.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 18 2013

Women make up 34% of the 8th Parliament of Zimbabwe, with 32% in the National Assembly and 48% of Senate. Although the quota for women in parliament led to the dramatic increase from 19% in 2008 to 34%, the number of women who actually won, fell from 34 to 26. The cabinet appointments were the country's last opportunity to bolster the numbers of women in power.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 18 2013