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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Hazel Brown hoping for more women councillors in Trinidad and Tobago

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Hazel Brown hoping for more women councillors in Trinidad and Tobago


Hazel Brown, co-ordinator of the Network of NGOs for the advancement of women, hopes after the October 21 local government elections that 50 per cent of councillors will be women as well as 50 per cent of aldermen elected under the newly-implemented proportional representation. Brown made the announcement yesterday at a news conference at the Professional Centre, Fitzblackman Drive, Port-of-Spain.

Hazel Brown, co-ordinator of the Network of NGOs for the advancement of women, hopes after the October 21 local government elections that 50 per cent of councillors will be women as well as 50 per cent of aldermen elected under the newly-implemented proportional representation. Brown made the announcement yesterday at a news conference at the Professional Centre, Fitzblackman Drive, Port-of-Spain.

World News

First Lady Urges Women To Vie For Elective Positions In 2015, Nigeria

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First Lady Urges Women To Vie For Elective Positions In 2015, Nigeria


The First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, on Tuesday urged more Nigerian women to vie for elective positions in 2015.

Dame Jonathan said this in Owerri in a message to the inauguration of Coordinators of Women for Change and Development Initiative (W4CDI) ,  her pet project.

The First Lady was represented by Dr Rabi Ibrahim, the National Coordinator of W4CDI.

We invite you to read the full article published September 17, 2013

The First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, on Tuesday urged more Nigerian women to vie for elective positions in 2015.

Dame Jonathan said this in Owerri in a message to the inauguration of Coordinators of Women for Change and Development Initiative (W4CDI) ,  her pet project.

The First Lady was represented by Dr Rabi Ibrahim, the National Coordinator of W4CDI.

We invite you to read the full article published September 17, 2013

World News

Female Senate candidates press Democrats’ gender advantage, USA

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Female Senate candidates press Democrats’ gender advantage, USA


The emergence of three female Democrats as competitive Senate candidates has party activists optimistic the 2014 election cycle will end with a record number of women in the upper chamber.

West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant, who officially launched her Senate bid Tuesday, joins fellow Democrats Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky and Michelle Nunn in Georgia as high-profile recruits in states Democrats consider winnable next year.

The emergence of three female Democrats as competitive Senate candidates has party activists optimistic the 2014 election cycle will end with a record number of women in the upper chamber.

West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant, who officially launched her Senate bid Tuesday, joins fellow Democrats Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky and Michelle Nunn in Georgia as high-profile recruits in states Democrats consider winnable next year.

World News

Women leading the way in Mackay politics, Australia

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Women leading the way in Mackay politics, Australia


Tony Abbott's cabinet in Canberra is running short on girl power, but it's the sisters who continue to run the show in the Mackay region.

With 18 blokes and only one woman, Mr Abbott's choice of LNP frontbenchers has been heavily criticised for a lack of female representatives.

Mackay Regional Council Mayor Deirdre Comerford said, regardless of the sex, time would be the only way to tell if Mr Abbott's choices were worthy.

Tony Abbott's cabinet in Canberra is running short on girl power, but it's the sisters who continue to run the show in the Mackay region.

With 18 blokes and only one woman, Mr Abbott's choice of LNP frontbenchers has been heavily criticised for a lack of female representatives.

Mackay Regional Council Mayor Deirdre Comerford said, regardless of the sex, time would be the only way to tell if Mr Abbott's choices were worthy.

World News

Egyptian state-run women's council calls for quota of women MPs

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Egyptian state-run women's council calls for quota of women MPs


The National Council for Women called on the committee which is drafting Egypt’s constitution to include a quota for women in parliament, Egypt’s state news agency MENA reported on Monday.


The National Council for Women called on the committee which is drafting Egypt’s constitution to include a quota for women in parliament, Egypt’s state news agency MENA reported on Monday.


World News

Cameroon: Female Candidates, Media in Election Campaign Synergy

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Cameroon: Female Candidates, Media in Election Campaign Synergy


They rounded off a series of training workshops in Yaounde on September 14.

Female candidates in the September 30, 2013 legislative and municipal elections are expected to be more performing during the election campaign, making proper use of the media following knowledge acquired during a series of training workshops that ended in Yaounde on September 14, 2013.

We invite you to read the full article published September 15, 2103

They rounded off a series of training workshops in Yaounde on September 14.

Female candidates in the September 30, 2013 legislative and municipal elections are expected to be more performing during the election campaign, making proper use of the media following knowledge acquired during a series of training workshops that ended in Yaounde on September 14, 2013.

We invite you to read the full article published September 15, 2103

World News

Cambodia's Women Call For Free And Fair Elections

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Cambodia's Women Call For Free And Fair Elections


“Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia”: Once a phrase commonly seen on banners in Phnom Penh, it has now taken to the streets.

Over a month after the 2013 general elections in Cambodia, planned demonstrations against the results are taking place worldwide. Following decades of civil war, with peace came ignorance, as the tiny nation lying south of Thailand was so often overlooked. After years of international disregard, Cambodia is slowly being placed back on the world’s political map, with democracy looming in the horizon.

“Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia”: Once a phrase commonly seen on banners in Phnom Penh, it has now taken to the streets.

Over a month after the 2013 general elections in Cambodia, planned demonstrations against the results are taking place worldwide. Following decades of civil war, with peace came ignorance, as the tiny nation lying south of Thailand was so often overlooked. After years of international disregard, Cambodia is slowly being placed back on the world’s political map, with democracy looming in the horizon.

World News

Gender gap still wide in Russian politics

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Gender gap still wide in Russian politics


Russia is known for being a patriarchal country, but despite considerable barriers, some women leaders have managed to reach high levels in the political hierarchy.

Women make up only 13 percent of deputies in the Russian State Duma (61 seats out of 450, following the 2012 national elections), and at the federal level, their representation is even lower - at 6 percent.

Russia is known for being a patriarchal country, but despite considerable barriers, some women leaders have managed to reach high levels in the political hierarchy.

Women make up only 13 percent of deputies in the Russian State Duma (61 seats out of 450, following the 2012 national elections), and at the federal level, their representation is even lower - at 6 percent.

The Road to substantive democracy: Women’s political participation in the Americas

September 9, 2013

The Road to substantive democracy: Women’s political participation in the Americas

The democratic current witnessed in some countries of the Americas during the latter half ofthe 20th century, which led to the overthrow ofrepressive regimes, has brought aboutsignificant changesto the political and electoralsystems of the region. While there have been setbacks a
The democratic current witnessed in some countries of the Americas during the latter half ofthe 20th century, which led to the overthrow ofrepressive regimes, has brought aboutsignificant changesto the political and electoralsystems of the region. While there have been setbacks a