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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Liberia: Women optimistic of 2023 elections

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Liberia: Women optimistic of 2023 elections


The deal to upholding women’s political participation and leadership in the 2023 presidential and General elections remains elusive and daunting, as the Woman Legislative Caucus of Liberia launches a two-day workshop for women aspirants to solicit support and mobilize more women to occupy the 30 percent space allotted to them at the Legislature.

The women taught fund-raising and campaign strategies and impact of legal framework on electoral process, among others.

The deal to upholding women’s political participation and leadership in the 2023 presidential and General elections remains elusive and daunting, as the Woman Legislative Caucus of Liberia launches a two-day workshop for women aspirants to solicit support and mobilize more women to occupy the 30 percent space allotted to them at the Legislature.

The women taught fund-raising and campaign strategies and impact of legal framework on electoral process, among others.

World News

Who is Dina Boluarte, Peru's first female president?

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Who is Dina Boluarte, Peru's first female president?


(CNN) — Dina Boluarte took office as the new President of Peru on Wednesday, after Congress ousted former president Pedro Castillo.

In this turbulent context, Boluarte, who until a few hours ago was the country's Vice President, took over as Castillo's successor after being sworn in before the plenary session of Congress on Wednesday afternoon.

She is the first female president in Peru's history, and the sixth Peruvian president in less than five years.

(CNN) — Dina Boluarte took office as the new President of Peru on Wednesday, after Congress ousted former president Pedro Castillo.

In this turbulent context, Boluarte, who until a few hours ago was the country's Vice President, took over as Castillo's successor after being sworn in before the plenary session of Congress on Wednesday afternoon.

She is the first female president in Peru's history, and the sixth Peruvian president in less than five years.

World News

Peru's President Pedro Castillo replaced by Dina Boluarte after impeachment

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Peru's President Pedro Castillo replaced by Dina Boluarte after impeachment


Peru has a female president for the first time, after ex-president Pedro Castillo was impeached - hours after he tried to dissolve parliament.

Dina Boluarte - previously the vice-president - was sworn in after a dramatic day in Lima on Wednesday.

Earlier in the day, Mr Castillo had said he was replacing Congress with an "exceptional emergency government".

Peru has a female president for the first time, after ex-president Pedro Castillo was impeached - hours after he tried to dissolve parliament.

Dina Boluarte - previously the vice-president - was sworn in after a dramatic day in Lima on Wednesday.

Earlier in the day, Mr Castillo had said he was replacing Congress with an "exceptional emergency government".

World News

"No men left?": Top Gujarat cleric slams muslim women in elections

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"No men left?": Top Gujarat cleric slams muslim women in elections


Gujarat Assembly Election: The sexist rant by the Shahi Imam of the Jama Masjid in Ahmedabad comes a day before voting in 93 constituencies in Gujarat, the second phase of a closely watched state election.

Ahmedabad: Those who select Muslim women to run for office are against Islam and are weakening the religion, the chief cleric of the Jama Masjid in Ahmedabad said on Sunday, in a stunningly misogynistic comment, a day before the second phase of voting for the Gujarat elections.

Gujarat Assembly Election: The sexist rant by the Shahi Imam of the Jama Masjid in Ahmedabad comes a day before voting in 93 constituencies in Gujarat, the second phase of a closely watched state election.

Ahmedabad: Those who select Muslim women to run for office are against Islam and are weakening the religion, the chief cleric of the Jama Masjid in Ahmedabad said on Sunday, in a stunningly misogynistic comment, a day before the second phase of voting for the Gujarat elections.

California Politics: Huge gains for women in the Legislature

December 7, 2022

California Politics: Huge gains for women in the Legislature

SACRAMENTO —  The California Legislature that will be sworn in Monday will include more women than ever before, accounting for about 42% of state lawmakers.

SACRAMENTO —  The California Legislature that will be sworn in Monday will include more women than ever before, accounting for about 42% of state lawmakers.

Preventing violence against women in politics – Benchmarks for political parties

December 5, 2022

Preventing violence against women in politics – Benchmarks for political parties

Preventing Violence Against Women in Politics – Benchmarks for Political Parties (2022) is a joint paper by democracy organisations working with political parties, which presents interventions for political parties on how to prevent and address any form of

Preventing Violence Against Women in Politics – Benchmarks for Political Parties (2022) is a joint paper by democracy organisations working with political parties, which presents interventions for political parties on how to prevent and address any form of

World News

Nepal: New House of Representatives to be less inclusive

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Nepal: New House of Representatives to be less inclusive


As proportional representation votes are scattered among parties, women, Dalits, Janajatis will be underrepresented.

With most Dalit, Janajati and women candiates across parties failing to win the first-past-the-post (FPTP) elections for the House of Representatives, the upcoming parliament is set to become less inclusive than the last one.

As proportional representation votes are scattered among parties, women, Dalits, Janajatis will be underrepresented.

With most Dalit, Janajati and women candiates across parties failing to win the first-past-the-post (FPTP) elections for the House of Representatives, the upcoming parliament is set to become less inclusive than the last one.

World News

Ireland: Cork caucus hears calls for gender quotas to be extended to local government elections

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Ireland: Cork caucus hears calls for gender quotas to be extended to local government elections


Gender quotas should be extended from national elections to the 2024 local government elections to ensure Ireland is in line with other European countries, new research has recommended.

It also found that some female elected members believe local government to be “a boys’ club”, while others spoke of being the target of misogynistic slurs at public council meetings.

Gender quotas should be extended from national elections to the 2024 local government elections to ensure Ireland is in line with other European countries, new research has recommended.

It also found that some female elected members believe local government to be “a boys’ club”, while others spoke of being the target of misogynistic slurs at public council meetings.

World News

Australia Liberals’ election review to back pipeline, not quotas, to attract women to party

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Australia Liberals’ election review to back pipeline, not quotas, to attract women to party


A secret review into the Liberals’ disastrous election loss in May has ruled out formal quotas for the number of women MPs in federal parliament and instead recommends a British-style recruitment drive to improve the party’s gender balance.

A secret review into the Liberals’ disastrous election loss in May has ruled out formal quotas for the number of women MPs in federal parliament and instead recommends a British-style recruitment drive to improve the party’s gender balance.