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Local Government

Local governments are in a unique position to contribute to the global struggle for gender equality by improving the status of women around the world. Local Governments are the level of governance closest to the citizens and as service providers and employers have an important role in creating the conditions that encourage women’s political participation. In this special feature, we are collecting knowledge resources, case studies, stories and interviews from women active in local politics.  

World News

Kwara gov signs law reserving 35% of appointments for women

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Kwara gov signs law reserving 35% of appointments for women


Kwara State Governor, Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq, has signed into law a bill that makes it mandatory to have at least 35  per cent women appointees in the State Executive Council and other classes of political appointments. The law is cited as Kwara State Political Offices (Gender Composition) Bill 2021.

Justifying the law, the state governor on Tuesday said it was only fair that women be given a fair space in the decision-making process. He spoke in Ilorin, the state capital, during a conference tagged ‘Cracking the glass ceiling: The story of Kwara women.’

Kwara State Governor, Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq, has signed into law a bill that makes it mandatory to have at least 35  per cent women appointees in the State Executive Council and other classes of political appointments. The law is cited as Kwara State Political Offices (Gender Composition) Bill 2021.

Justifying the law, the state governor on Tuesday said it was only fair that women be given a fair space in the decision-making process. He spoke in Ilorin, the state capital, during a conference tagged ‘Cracking the glass ceiling: The story of Kwara women.’

World News

The value of women’s leadership: NDI supports the 5th Annual Ukranian Women’s Congress

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The value of women’s leadership: NDI supports the 5th Annual Ukranian Women’s Congress


Despite the fact that 61 percent of Ukrainians believe men and women should be equally involved in political life, women continue to be significantly underrepresented in Ukrainian politics. In this context, organizations and events that bring together women from across Ukraine to share knowledge and build connections are vital components of any effort to strengthen women’s involvement in national and local politics in Ukraine.

Despite the fact that 61 percent of Ukrainians believe men and women should be equally involved in political life, women continue to be significantly underrepresented in Ukrainian politics. In this context, organizations and events that bring together women from across Ukraine to share knowledge and build connections are vital components of any effort to strengthen women’s involvement in national and local politics in Ukraine.

World News

Craven County women have ground to make up in elected positions. Men still dominate boards

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Craven County women have ground to make up in elected positions. Men still dominate boards


On Thursday night, the Craven County GOP elected Sarah Benischek as the party's new chairman. The announcement marked a victory for women in local politics after a recent report found women are not represented equally to their male counterparts. 

On Thursday night, the Craven County GOP elected Sarah Benischek as the party's new chairman. The announcement marked a victory for women in local politics after a recent report found women are not represented equally to their male counterparts. 

Effective, decisive, and inclusive: Women’s leadership in COVID-19 response and recovery

November 15, 2021

Effective, decisive, and inclusive: Women’s leadership in COVID-19 response and recovery

This working paper is part of UN Women’s research efforts to highlight the importance of women’s leadership and participation in decision-making during the pandemic and beyond.

This working paper is part of UN Women’s research efforts to highlight the importance of women’s leadership and participation in decision-making during the pandemic and beyond.

World News

City Council adds historic number of women to its ranks as republicans gain

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City Council adds historic number of women to its ranks as republicans gain


New York City’s legislative branch will be packed with newcomers in 2022 and will have its first female majority. Meanwhile, the GOP gained at least one more Council seat.

New York City’s legislative branch will be packed with newcomers in 2022 and will have its first female majority. Meanwhile, the GOP gained at least one more Council seat.

Les «petites» femmes de la politique kirghize

November 9, 2021

Les «petites» femmes de la politique kirghize

Au Kirghizstan, le grand nombre d’hommes en politique est un problème. Mais cette histoire est celle de « petites » femmes qui font de grandes choses.

Au Kirghizstan, le grand nombre d’hommes en politique est un problème. Mais cette histoire est celle de « petites » femmes qui font de grandes choses.