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Local Government

Local governments are in a unique position to contribute to the global struggle for gender equality by improving the status of women around the world. Local Governments are the level of governance closest to the citizens and as service providers and employers have an important role in creating the conditions that encourage women’s political participation. In this special feature, we are collecting knowledge resources, case studies, stories and interviews from women active in local politics.  


World News

Meet the women shifting the political landscape in Japan

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Meet the women shifting the political landscape in Japan


As a society bound by tradition, change comes slowly to Japan. That includes opportunities for women in politics and government.

As a society bound by tradition, change comes slowly to Japan. That includes opportunities for women in politics and government.

World News

Ready to Run seminar educates women interested in politics

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Ready to Run seminar educates women interested in politics


Politically minded women and those looking to get more involved in politics met Saturday morning to talk campaigns, running for office and how to support those who share similar views.

Politically minded women and those looking to get more involved in politics met Saturday morning to talk campaigns, running for office and how to support those who share similar views.

World News

World News

State elections see infusion of first-time women candidates

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State elections see infusion of first-time women candidates


Christine Lui Chen, a 36-year-old health care executive in New Jersey and mother of two small children, had never considered entering politics, focusing instead on her family, her career and her community.

Christine Lui Chen, a 36-year-old health care executive in New Jersey and mother of two small children, had never considered entering politics, focusing instead on her family, her career and her community.

World News

Nepal: Including the excluded

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Nepal: Including the excluded


When Bidya Devi Bhandari became Nepal’s first woman President in 2015, cynics dismissed her arguing that she was the widow of a political leader, it was a ceremonial position anyway, and one woman becoming head of sta

When Bidya Devi Bhandari became Nepal’s first woman President in 2015, cynics dismissed her arguing that she was the widow of a political leader, it was a ceremonial position anyway, and one woman becoming head of sta

World News

Nepal: Call for women’s representation and leadership in local governance

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Nepal: Call for women’s representation and leadership in local governance


Nepal — "I am contesting the upcoming election with my headscarf on, duly following th

Nepal — "I am contesting the upcoming election with my headscarf on, duly following th