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Local Government

Local governments are in a unique position to contribute to the global struggle for gender equality by improving the status of women around the world. Local Governments are the level of governance closest to the citizens and as service providers and employers have an important role in creating the conditions that encourage women’s political participation. In this special feature, we are collecting knowledge resources, case studies, stories and interviews from women active in local politics.  

World News

Saudi Women Hope For Greater Rights In 2015

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Saudi Women Hope For Greater Rights In 2015


Saudi Arabian women’s headline-grabbing 2011 driving protests were a seminal moment for women’s rights in this ultraconservative Muslim country. Next year, they’ll finally get to taste the fruits of that activism — though not quite in the way they were shooting for.

Saudi Arabian women’s headline-grabbing 2011 driving protests were a seminal moment for women’s rights in this ultraconservative Muslim country. Next year, they’ll finally get to taste the fruits of that activism — though not quite in the way they were shooting for.

World News

World News

Sturgeon out to smash glass ceiling

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Sturgeon out to smash glass ceiling


Smashing the glass ceiling women face to "smithereens" is an important part of tackling inequality, Scotland's new First Minister has said.

Nicola Sturgeon, who is the first female to take on the top job in Scottish politics, pledged she would work to "ensure there are no limits on women's ambitions".

Smashing the glass ceiling women face to "smithereens" is an important part of tackling inequality, Scotland's new First Minister has said.

Nicola Sturgeon, who is the first female to take on the top job in Scottish politics, pledged she would work to "ensure there are no limits on women's ambitions".


World News

Millennials, not Mumsnet: Younger women and the 2015 election (United Kingdom)

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Millennials, not Mumsnet: Younger women and the 2015 election (United Kingdom)


Should politicians be appearing on programmes like the X Factor to reach new audiences?

Or should they be breaking down complex political subjects and putting them in simpler terms to get more potential voters interested?

These were some of the ideas being bandied around at an event in Portcullis House in Westminster to mark the end of Parliament Week.

Should politicians be appearing on programmes like the X Factor to reach new audiences?

Or should they be breaking down complex political subjects and putting them in simpler terms to get more potential voters interested?

These were some of the ideas being bandied around at an event in Portcullis House in Westminster to mark the end of Parliament Week.

World News

Bosnia Elects First Veiled MP

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Bosnia Elects First Veiled MP


SARAJEVO – Sending a message of hope to Bosnian Muslim women, a veiled woman was elected to the House of Representatives in October's elections, becoming the first woman to enter the parliament with the Islamic headscarf.

"I think my being elected is a good message for all women, especially for women who wear the headscarf," Kanela Zuko told Anadolu Agency on Thursday, November 13.

The 38-year-old Muslim woman, who was elected last October, is the first to wear hijab among the 22 females MPs in the Balkan country.

SARAJEVO – Sending a message of hope to Bosnian Muslim women, a veiled woman was elected to the House of Representatives in October's elections, becoming the first woman to enter the parliament with the Islamic headscarf.

"I think my being elected is a good message for all women, especially for women who wear the headscarf," Kanela Zuko told Anadolu Agency on Thursday, November 13.

The 38-year-old Muslim woman, who was elected last October, is the first to wear hijab among the 22 females MPs in the Balkan country.


Free eCourse: Gender-sensitive Governance: what does it look like and how can we work towards it?


Free eCourse: Gender-sensitive Governance: what does it look like and how can we work towards it?

This free web-based course provides participants with a general grounding in the current concepts of governance from a gender perspective and offers some examples and resources for applying these w

Beyond the Surface: The Saudi Women Political Question

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By Hala Alwagdani, In the beginning of 2013, King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz of Saudi Arabia announced in a royal decree the appointment of 30 Saudi females in the Saudi Consultative Council. This has been only one of the steps in King Abdullah’s reformist style of ruling. In 2005, he introduced municipal elections, the first democratic elections in Saudi history. In 2011, he granted women the right to vote in these elections and proposed that women run for municipal elections in 2015. What provoked all these pro-female reforms all of a sudden? 


Beyond the Surface: The Saudi Women Political Question

October 26, 2014

Beyond the Surface: The Saudi Women Political Question

By Hala Alwagdani, In the beginning of 2013, King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz of Saudi Arabia announced in a royal decree the appointment of 30 Saudi females in the Saudi Consultative Council. This has been only one of the steps in King Abdullah’s reformist style of ruling.

By Hala Alwagdani, In the beginning of 2013, King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz of Saudi Arabia announced in a royal decree the appointment of 30 Saudi females in the Saudi Consultative Council. This has been only one of the steps in King Abdullah’s reformist style of ruling.