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Local Government

Local governments are in a unique position to contribute to the global struggle for gender equality by improving the status of women around the world. Local Governments are the level of governance closest to the citizens and as service providers and employers have an important role in creating the conditions that encourage women’s political participation. In this special feature, we are collecting knowledge resources, case studies, stories and interviews from women active in local politics.  

Emerging Trends in Women’s Participation in Politics in Africa

October 23, 2014

Emerging Trends in Women’s Participation in Politics in Africa

Women have traditionally been marginalised from the structures of state that determine political and legislative 

priorities. In recent years, Africa has witnessed rapid escalation in female political representation. This paper 

Women have traditionally been marginalised from the structures of state that determine political and legislative 

priorities. In recent years, Africa has witnessed rapid escalation in female political representation. This paper 

World News

Few women on Tunisian parliamentary poll lists

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Few women on Tunisian parliamentary poll lists


Tunisia, despite being the most advanced Arab nation in terms of women's rights, is still fare from adhering fully to the principles enshrined in the January 2014 Constitution and from abiding by the ratification of international treaties in daily life. Though 47% of candidates for Tunisia's parliamentary elections scheduled for Sunday are women, only 12% of them are on top of the electoral lists of candidates. This is a slight improvement on the previous elections, when the figure was 7%, but still shows a lack of equal opportunities for women. 

Tunisia, despite being the most advanced Arab nation in terms of women's rights, is still fare from adhering fully to the principles enshrined in the January 2014 Constitution and from abiding by the ratification of international treaties in daily life. Though 47% of candidates for Tunisia's parliamentary elections scheduled for Sunday are women, only 12% of them are on top of the electoral lists of candidates. This is a slight improvement on the previous elections, when the figure was 7%, but still shows a lack of equal opportunities for women. 


World News

A few good women in Philippine Politics

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A few good women in Philippine Politics


When one turns on the television, reads the newspaper or listens to the news on radio, one cannot help but notice that much of the news is focused on the negative events that are happening to our country. Thus, it wouldn’t be a surprise if many Filipinos have already made a conclusion that we no longer have government leaders who are committed to promoting good governance and leadership with integrity in our country.

When one turns on the television, reads the newspaper or listens to the news on radio, one cannot help but notice that much of the news is focused on the negative events that are happening to our country. Thus, it wouldn’t be a surprise if many Filipinos have already made a conclusion that we no longer have government leaders who are committed to promoting good governance and leadership with integrity in our country.

World News

Women Candidates to Watch in 2014

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Women Candidates to Watch in 2014


Women are at the forefront of many of this year’s critical and most-watched races. From candidates for governorships making waves from red-to-blue states, to game-changing senate seats up for grabs, women are making their voices heard now more than ever. Pivotal issues, including equal pay for women, health care, and campus sexual assault are front and center in Washington and statewide with women leading the charge.

Women are at the forefront of many of this year’s critical and most-watched races. From candidates for governorships making waves from red-to-blue states, to game-changing senate seats up for grabs, women are making their voices heard now more than ever. Pivotal issues, including equal pay for women, health care, and campus sexual assault are front and center in Washington and statewide with women leading the charge.

Women leadership in Vietnam: How more women in politics bolsters equality

August 26, 2014

Women leadership in Vietnam: How more women in politics bolsters equality

The government of Vietnam has set a target of a minimum of 35% women's representatio

The government of Vietnam has set a target of a minimum of 35% women's representatio

World News

Wanted: Young candidates of color to shake up politics scene

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Wanted: Young candidates of color to shake up politics scene


When Stephanie Chang began knocking on doors in and around Detroit in pursuit of a statehouse seat in the Michigan legislature, the most common question she received didn’t have anything to do with her policy positions or her decade of experience as a community organizer.

“How old are you, anyways?” voters asked. Chang is 30, but admits to looking a more youthful 20.

When Stephanie Chang began knocking on doors in and around Detroit in pursuit of a statehouse seat in the Michigan legislature, the most common question she received didn’t have anything to do with her policy positions or her decade of experience as a community organizer.

“How old are you, anyways?” voters asked. Chang is 30, but admits to looking a more youthful 20.

World News

As Men Emigrate, Indigenous Women Gain Political Opportunities and Obligations in Mexico

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As Men Emigrate, Indigenous Women Gain Political Opportunities and Obligations in Mexico


Photo-Santiago Navarro F.

The emigration of men to the United States threatens indigenous systems of governance in Mexico. When men leave, the weight of activities in small towns falls on women, but despite this women are still fighting for space in the political arena.

Photo-Santiago Navarro F.

The emigration of men to the United States threatens indigenous systems of governance in Mexico. When men leave, the weight of activities in small towns falls on women, but despite this women are still fighting for space in the political arena.

World News

Forget quotas for women Members of Parliament – time to limit the number of men

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Forget quotas for women Members of Parliament – time to limit the number of men


Rebecca Naden/PA Wire

When we talk about “gender quotas”, what we really mean is quotas for women. We see the under-representation of women as the problem that needs fixing. So we try to explain why there aren’t more women in politics, then look at measures to boost women’s representation.

Rebecca Naden/PA Wire

When we talk about “gender quotas”, what we really mean is quotas for women. We see the under-representation of women as the problem that needs fixing. So we try to explain why there aren’t more women in politics, then look at measures to boost women’s representation.