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Parliaments and Representatives

Democracy and the equal participation of men and women in the political arena are closely intertwined. No parliament or any decision-making body can claim to be representative without the participation of both men and women. As stated in the Universal Declaration on Democracy adopted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s Member Parliaments in 1997, "The achievement of democracy presupposes a genuine partnership between men and women in the conduct of the affairs of society in which they work in equality and complementarity, drawing mutual enrichment from their differences."

Recent years have seen a steady increase in the number of women in parliament, though the world average of less than 22 percent remains far from the goal of parity between women and men. The election of women to the highest positions of state and government in several countries has also contributed to the changing face of politics.

While the road to election is a difficult one, the challenges for women do not stop there. Once women enter parliament or other bodies, they are faced with many new challenges. Parliament is traditionally a male-oriented domain where the rules and practices have been written by men. It is, therefore, an ongoing challenge to transform parliament into a gender-sensitive environment, to ensure that actions are gender-sensitive and to guarantee that gender is mainstreamed throughout the legislature.

World News

Ireland: Cork caucus hears calls for gender quotas to be extended to local government elections

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Ireland: Cork caucus hears calls for gender quotas to be extended to local government elections


Gender quotas should be extended from national elections to the 2024 local government elections to ensure Ireland is in line with other European countries, new research has recommended.

It also found that some female elected members believe local government to be “a boys’ club”, while others spoke of being the target of misogynistic slurs at public council meetings.

Gender quotas should be extended from national elections to the 2024 local government elections to ensure Ireland is in line with other European countries, new research has recommended.

It also found that some female elected members believe local government to be “a boys’ club”, while others spoke of being the target of misogynistic slurs at public council meetings.

Addressing violence against women in politics in the OSCE region: Toolkit

December 2, 2022

Addressing violence against women in politics in the OSCE region: Toolkit

Violence against women in all its forms is perceived by the OSCE as one of the most pervasive impediments to women’s full, equal and effective participation in political and public life and as a threat to human security.

Violence against women in all its forms is perceived by the OSCE as one of the most pervasive impediments to women’s full, equal and effective participation in political and public life and as a threat to human security.

World News

UN scores Nigeria low on women participation in politics

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UN scores Nigeria low on women participation in politics


INEC urges political parties to respect their constitutions

The United Nations (UN) has scored Nigeria low in the area of women participation in politics.

INEC urges political parties to respect their constitutions

The United Nations (UN) has scored Nigeria low in the area of women participation in politics.

World News

Australia Liberals’ election review to back pipeline, not quotas, to attract women to party

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Australia Liberals’ election review to back pipeline, not quotas, to attract women to party


A secret review into the Liberals’ disastrous election loss in May has ruled out formal quotas for the number of women MPs in federal parliament and instead recommends a British-style recruitment drive to improve the party’s gender balance.

A secret review into the Liberals’ disastrous election loss in May has ruled out formal quotas for the number of women MPs in federal parliament and instead recommends a British-style recruitment drive to improve the party’s gender balance.

USA: Why Black women candidates had mixed results in the midterm elections

December 1, 2022

USA: Why Black women candidates had mixed results in the midterm elections

A record number of Black women ran for office this year for U.S. House, Senate and governor. And while some made history with their wins, Black women are still underrepresented in public office.

A record number of Black women ran for office this year for U.S. House, Senate and governor. And while some made history with their wins, Black women are still underrepresented in public office.

Nigeria: Impact of women in politics on development

November 30, 2022

Nigeria: Impact of women in politics on development

Ugo Aliogo examines the prospects of women in 2023 general election, judging from the low representation of women in the political space and the impact on development

Ugo Aliogo examines the prospects of women in 2023 general election, judging from the low representation of women in the political space and the impact on development

World News

Nepal: Women candidates in HoR and PA elections of 2079 BS

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Nepal: Women candidates in HoR and PA elections of 2079 BS


KATHMANDU, Nov 25: Five women candidates have been elected to the House of Representatives (HoR) in the elections held on November 20. According to the data of the Election Commission (EC), women candidates were elected from five constituencies across the country till Thursday evening. According to the EC, Sobita Gautam of Rastriya Swatantra Party was elected from Kathmandu-2 and Toshima Karki from Lalitpur-3, Bidya Bhattarai of CPN-UML from Kaski-2, Rekha Sharma of CPN (Maoist Center) from Dang-2 and Ranjita Shrestha of Nagarik Unmukti Party from Kailali-1.

KATHMANDU, Nov 25: Five women candidates have been elected to the House of Representatives (HoR) in the elections held on November 20. According to the data of the Election Commission (EC), women candidates were elected from five constituencies across the country till Thursday evening. According to the EC, Sobita Gautam of Rastriya Swatantra Party was elected from Kathmandu-2 and Toshima Karki from Lalitpur-3, Bidya Bhattarai of CPN-UML from Kaski-2, Rekha Sharma of CPN (Maoist Center) from Dang-2 and Ranjita Shrestha of Nagarik Unmukti Party from Kailali-1.

Towards improved measures of gender inequality: An evaluation of the United Nations Development Programme’s Gender Inequality Index and a proposal

November 29, 2022

Towards improved measures of gender inequality: An evaluation of the United Nations Development Programme’s Gender Inequality Index and a proposal

This paper proposes replacing the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Gender Inequality Index with two new gender indexes: the Global Gender Parity Index (GGPI) and the Women’s Empowerment Index (WEI).

This paper proposes replacing the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Gender Inequality Index with two new gender indexes: the Global Gender Parity Index (GGPI) and the Women’s Empowerment Index (WEI).

World News

USA: A record number of women will serve in the next Congress

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USA: A record number of women will serve in the next Congress


CNN — A record number of women will be elected to Congress this year, CNN projects – but barely.

The 149 women who will serve in the US House and Senate in the 118th Congress will expand the ranks of female representation by just two members above the record set by this Congress.

CNN — A record number of women will be elected to Congress this year, CNN projects – but barely.

The 149 women who will serve in the US House and Senate in the 118th Congress will expand the ranks of female representation by just two members above the record set by this Congress.