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Parliaments and Representatives

Democracy and the equal participation of men and women in the political arena are closely intertwined. No parliament or any decision-making body can claim to be representative without the participation of both men and women. As stated in the Universal Declaration on Democracy adopted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s Member Parliaments in 1997, "The achievement of democracy presupposes a genuine partnership between men and women in the conduct of the affairs of society in which they work in equality and complementarity, drawing mutual enrichment from their differences."

Recent years have seen a steady increase in the number of women in parliament, though the world average of less than 22 percent remains far from the goal of parity between women and men. The election of women to the highest positions of state and government in several countries has also contributed to the changing face of politics.

While the road to election is a difficult one, the challenges for women do not stop there. Once women enter parliament or other bodies, they are faced with many new challenges. Parliament is traditionally a male-oriented domain where the rules and practices have been written by men. It is, therefore, an ongoing challenge to transform parliament into a gender-sensitive environment, to ensure that actions are gender-sensitive and to guarantee that gender is mainstreamed throughout the legislature.

World News

“There is no place for violence against women in democratic cities and regions”, says Council of Europe Congress Spokesperson on Gender Equality

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“There is no place for violence against women in democratic cities and regions”, says Council of Europe Congress Spokesperson on Gender Equality


On the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, held every year on 25 November, the spokesperson for the Council of Europe Congress on Gender Equality, Ms Eirini Dourou (SOC, Greece), made the following statement:

On the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, held every year on 25 November, the spokesperson for the Council of Europe Congress on Gender Equality, Ms Eirini Dourou (SOC, Greece), made the following statement:

World News

Peru's president Pedro Castillo has named Betssy Chavez as the new prime minister

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Peru's president Pedro Castillo has named Betssy Chavez as the new prime minister


The former culture minister replaces Aníbal Torres, who resigned after losing the confidence of the Andean parliament.

The former culture minister replaces Aníbal Torres, who resigned after losing the confidence of the Andean parliament.

Ten women in politics you should probably know about it

November 25, 2022

Ten women in politics you should probably know about it

Love it or loathe it, politics is a completely unavoidable part of life, especially living here in the UK, where politicians and their various flaws and virtues seem to fuel daily headlines.

Love it or loathe it, politics is a completely unavoidable part of life, especially living here in the UK, where politicians and their various flaws and virtues seem to fuel daily headlines.

World News

Violence against women parliamentarians: Causes, effects, solutions

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Violence against women parliamentarians: Causes, effects, solutions


Women account for just over 26% of parliamentarians worldwide according to the IPU’s latest figures. Despite progress made in recent years, significant obstacles continue to block their path to parity with their male counterparts. One of the biggest obstacles is sexism, harassment and gender-based violence.

Women account for just over 26% of parliamentarians worldwide according to the IPU’s latest figures. Despite progress made in recent years, significant obstacles continue to block their path to parity with their male counterparts. One of the biggest obstacles is sexism, harassment and gender-based violence.

Voices of women and girls essential to fight for human rights

November 25, 2022

Voices of women and girls essential to fight for human rights

“Around the world, we see stigmatization, harassment and outright attacks used to silence and discredit women who are outspoken as leaders, community workers, human rights defenders and politicians,” said Peggy Hicks, Director of the Thematic Engagement, Special Proce

“Around the world, we see stigmatization, harassment and outright attacks used to silence and discredit women who are outspoken as leaders, community workers, human rights defenders and politicians,” said Peggy Hicks, Director of the Thematic Engagement, Special Proce

World News

LDP North Macedonia elects Monika Zajkova as first female leader

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LDP North Macedonia elects Monika Zajkova as first female leader


Monika Zajkova was elected as the new party leader of LDP, ALDE Party member party in North Macedonia, at the party’s 8th National Congress held under the slogan "United, brave, loud!" on Sunday 20 November in Skopje.

Monika Zajkova was elected as the new party leader of LDP, ALDE Party member party in North Macedonia, at the party’s 8th National Congress held under the slogan "United, brave, loud!" on Sunday 20 November in Skopje.

Ireland: Women's voices in the Council's Chamber

November 24, 2022

Ireland: Women's voices in the Council's Chamber

UCC research, carried out on behalf of Cork City Council’s Women’s Caucus, has recommended that gender quota legislation be introduced before the next local government elections to help increase the number of female councillors around the country. 

UCC research, carried out on behalf of Cork City Council’s Women’s Caucus, has recommended that gender quota legislation be introduced before the next local government elections to help increase the number of female councillors around the country. 


Women leadership, gender perspective and gender approaches in disarmament action


Women leadership, gender perspective and gender approaches in disarmament action

The Inter-Parliamentary Union, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), the Youth Fusion and the World Future Council (WFC) are co-organiz

Quantifying gender biases towards politicians on Reddit

November 24, 2022

Quantifying gender biases towards politicians on Reddit

increase gender parity in politics, global efforts have struggled to ensure equal female representation. This is likely tied to implicit gender biases against women in authority.

increase gender parity in politics, global efforts have struggled to ensure equal female representation. This is likely tied to implicit gender biases against women in authority.