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Parliaments and Representatives

Democracy and the equal participation of men and women in the political arena are closely intertwined. No parliament or any decision-making body can claim to be representative without the participation of both men and women. As stated in the Universal Declaration on Democracy adopted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s Member Parliaments in 1997, "The achievement of democracy presupposes a genuine partnership between men and women in the conduct of the affairs of society in which they work in equality and complementarity, drawing mutual enrichment from their differences."

Recent years have seen a steady increase in the number of women in parliament, though the world average of less than 22 percent remains far from the goal of parity between women and men. The election of women to the highest positions of state and government in several countries has also contributed to the changing face of politics.

While the road to election is a difficult one, the challenges for women do not stop there. Once women enter parliament or other bodies, they are faced with many new challenges. Parliament is traditionally a male-oriented domain where the rules and practices have been written by men. It is, therefore, an ongoing challenge to transform parliament into a gender-sensitive environment, to ensure that actions are gender-sensitive and to guarantee that gender is mainstreamed throughout the legislature.


Women in politics: Striving for genuine change in a rigged system, By Fidelis Nwagwu

June 14, 2022

Women in politics: Striving for genuine change in a rigged system, By Fidelis Nwagwu

The message seems quite clear that politics in Nigeria is a game for rich, old men, to the detriment of the real change-making demographics - women and youths.

The message seems quite clear that politics in Nigeria is a game for rich, old men, to the detriment of the real change-making demographics - women and youths.

World News

"Women power, clean image": Naveen Patnaik revamps cabinet with eye on 2024 polls

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"Women power, clean image": Naveen Patnaik revamps cabinet with eye on 2024 polls


By accommodating more women and dropping some controversial leaders from the cabinet, the Biju Janata Dal chief is gearing up for assembly and general elections.

Bhubaneswar: Barely a week after completing three years in his fifth term as the chief minister of Odisha, Naveen Patnaik has effected a major reshuffle of his cabinet with an eye on the 2024 assembly and general elections.

By accommodating more women and dropping some controversial leaders from the cabinet, the Biju Janata Dal chief is gearing up for assembly and general elections.

Bhubaneswar: Barely a week after completing three years in his fifth term as the chief minister of Odisha, Naveen Patnaik has effected a major reshuffle of his cabinet with an eye on the 2024 assembly and general elections.

World News

New study finds disparity between men and women in politics in India is immense

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New study finds disparity between men and women in politics in India is immense


A new study about women in politics by Professor Parimal Maya Sudhakar, Head of the School, MIT School of Government, MIT World Peace University reported the disparity between the number of male and female politicians in India.

A new study about women in politics by Professor Parimal Maya Sudhakar, Head of the School, MIT School of Government, MIT World Peace University reported the disparity between the number of male and female politicians in India.

World News

More women and more diversity in new Australian parliament

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More women and more diversity in new Australian parliament


All 151 seats in the House of Representatives and 40 of the 76 Senate seats were up for reelection in the recent Australian parliament elections. The Labor Party, led by Anthony Albanese, beat the incumbent Liberal/National coalition government. According to preliminary results, the Labor Party is set to win 77 seats, giving it an absolute majority in the House.

All 151 seats in the House of Representatives and 40 of the 76 Senate seats were up for reelection in the recent Australian parliament elections. The Labor Party, led by Anthony Albanese, beat the incumbent Liberal/National coalition government. According to preliminary results, the Labor Party is set to win 77 seats, giving it an absolute majority in the House.

World News

Albania addresses gender equality in decision-making beyond gender quotas

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Albania addresses gender equality in decision-making beyond gender quotas


International IDEA presented its latest data on gender quotas at the Albania 2022 International Forum for Gender Equality “Equality and Me”, which focused on developing a stronger commitment for gender equality. The Forum held on 27 May provided a platform for key national actors/stakeholders to discuss national collective responsibility and explore pathways towards gender equality and inclusiveness in decision-making processes in Albania.

International IDEA presented its latest data on gender quotas at the Albania 2022 International Forum for Gender Equality “Equality and Me”, which focused on developing a stronger commitment for gender equality. The Forum held on 27 May provided a platform for key national actors/stakeholders to discuss national collective responsibility and explore pathways towards gender equality and inclusiveness in decision-making processes in Albania.


Workplace gender equality: How do we create change that actually works?

Submitted by admin on
June 9, 2022

Workplace gender equality: How do we create change that actually works?

In this video recorded at the Australian National University on the 1st of June, 2022 leading Australian thought leaders discuss how can we create change that actually works for women to attain wor

In this video recorded at the Australian National University on the 1st of June, 2022 leading Australian thought leaders discuss how can we create change that actually works for women to attain wor

World News

Welsh Government to press ahead with plans to increase Senedd members

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Welsh Government to press ahead with plans to increase Senedd members


The Welsh Government is to press ahead with plans to increase the number of Senedd members despite opposition from senior Conservatives.

The reforms, proposed by Labour and Plaid Cymru as part of a co-operation agreement, would see the number of members increase from 60 to 96.

Currently the Senedd remains smaller than its other devolved counterparts with the Scottish Parliament having 129 members and the Northern Ireland Assembly having 90.

The Welsh Government is to press ahead with plans to increase the number of Senedd members despite opposition from senior Conservatives.

The reforms, proposed by Labour and Plaid Cymru as part of a co-operation agreement, would see the number of members increase from 60 to 96.

Currently the Senedd remains smaller than its other devolved counterparts with the Scottish Parliament having 129 members and the Northern Ireland Assembly having 90.

World News

Sultanate’s first female minister in Brunei’s new cabinet

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Sultanate’s first female minister in Brunei’s new cabinet


BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN — His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan of Brunei Darussalam announced the reshuffle, retaining and appointment of several new Cabinet ministers on Tuesday.

The monarch also announced the appointment of the Sultanate’s first female minister during a titah broadcast live on Radio Television Brunei (RTB).

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN — His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan of Brunei Darussalam announced the reshuffle, retaining and appointment of several new Cabinet ministers on Tuesday.

The monarch also announced the appointment of the Sultanate’s first female minister during a titah broadcast live on Radio Television Brunei (RTB).