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Political Parties

In a representative democracy, political parties function as a link between state institutions and local grassroots organizations. It is political parties that aggregate interests, present political alternatives and nominate candidates. As such, political parties play an essential role for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality. In this section, you will find information on the role of political parties in promoting women's political participation.

World News

State of the Women: The GOP’s Tired Solution to Its Woman Problem

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State of the Women: The GOP’s Tired Solution to Its Woman Problem


Last night, CBS introduced us to Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who delivered the Republican response to the State of the Union Address, with just three sentences: “She chairs the House GOP conference, which means she ranks fourth in the House leadership. She’s married to a retired naval officer. They have three young children, including a two-month old.” Short, sweet, and to the point. The point being that she’s a mom.

Last night, CBS introduced us to Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who delivered the Republican response to the State of the Union Address, with just three sentences: “She chairs the House GOP conference, which means she ranks fourth in the House leadership. She’s married to a retired naval officer. They have three young children, including a two-month old.” Short, sweet, and to the point. The point being that she’s a mom.

World News

Leading ladies of Oireachtas, Ireland: 'Rare birds' on hunt for equality

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Leading ladies of Oireachtas, Ireland: 'Rare birds' on hunt for equality


THE Seanad chamber is always a handy place for a parliamentary photo shoot. For a start, it's a beautiful room, all corniced high ceilings, sparkly chandeliers and plush blue leather seats.

Secondly, it's as under-used as a copy of Mao's 'Little Red Book' would be at a Reform Alliance monster meeting.

We invite you to read the full article published January 29, 2014

THE Seanad chamber is always a handy place for a parliamentary photo shoot. For a start, it's a beautiful room, all corniced high ceilings, sparkly chandeliers and plush blue leather seats.

Secondly, it's as under-used as a copy of Mao's 'Little Red Book' would be at a Reform Alliance monster meeting.

We invite you to read the full article published January 29, 2014

World News

Ex-GOP Guv: Republicans Think They Can Solve Their Problems By Putting A Woman On Camera

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Ex-GOP Guv: Republicans Think They Can Solve Their Problems By Putting A Woman On Camera


Prior to Tuesday night, the last time Republicans tapped a woman to deliver the party's official State of the Union response came in 1995, when former New Jersey Gov. Christine Whitman (R) followed former President Bill Clinton's address.

Prior to Tuesday night, the last time Republicans tapped a woman to deliver the party's official State of the Union response came in 1995, when former New Jersey Gov. Christine Whitman (R) followed former President Bill Clinton's address.

World News

Mamphela Ramphele may not be the electoral elixir needed to beat the ANC

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Mamphela Ramphele may not be the electoral elixir needed to beat the ANC


It is a South African political match made in heaven: a revered black academic, international activist and former freedom fighter – Dr Mamphela Ramphele - joins the rising, but still largely white, main opposition party in South Africa to lead it in polls this year.

It is a South African political match made in heaven: a revered black academic, international activist and former freedom fighter – Dr Mamphela Ramphele - joins the rising, but still largely white, main opposition party in South Africa to lead it in polls this year.

World News

New Report Examines the Reality of Women’s Participation in Guatemalan Politics

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New Report Examines the Reality of Women’s Participation in Guatemalan Politics


While women in Guatemala have slowly been making political gains, a new report by NDI and UN Women shows that a significant gender gap persists. The report, Between Challenge and Reality: Women and Political Participation in Guatemala, examines the progress made in recent elections, some obstacles women face and potential areas for improvement.


While women in Guatemala have slowly been making political gains, a new report by NDI and UN Women shows that a significant gender gap persists. The report, Between Challenge and Reality: Women and Political Participation in Guatemala, examines the progress made in recent elections, some obstacles women face and potential areas for improvement.


World News

Jessica Lee MP is fourth 2010 Tory woman to quit, UK

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Jessica Lee MP is fourth 2010 Tory woman to quit, UK


Jessica Lee, a Commons aide to Dominic Grieve, the Attorney General, said she was stepping down from Parliament after considering her “personal circumstances and responsibilities”.

She will be the fourth female Conservative MP elected in 2010 to leave Parliament.

We invite you to read the full article published January 20, 2014

Jessica Lee, a Commons aide to Dominic Grieve, the Attorney General, said she was stepping down from Parliament after considering her “personal circumstances and responsibilities”.

She will be the fourth female Conservative MP elected in 2010 to leave Parliament.

We invite you to read the full article published January 20, 2014

World News

Women of Color Behind the Rise of Female U.S. Democrats

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Women of Color Behind the Rise of Female U.S. Democrats


Democratic women have gained legislative seats at a much higher rate than Republican women in recent years. To a great extent, the rise of female Democrats is about the rise of Democratic women of color. Although they do not hold office in proportion to their presence in the U.S. population, minority women have advanced in state legislatures.

We invite you to read the full article published January 19, 2014

Democratic women have gained legislative seats at a much higher rate than Republican women in recent years. To a great extent, the rise of female Democrats is about the rise of Democratic women of color. Although they do not hold office in proportion to their presence in the U.S. population, minority women have advanced in state legislatures.

We invite you to read the full article published January 19, 2014

World News

20 Women to Watch in US Politics in 2014

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World News

Why Gender Diversity Matters in Politics, USA

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Why Gender Diversity Matters in Politics, USA


The idea that white liberal men don’t bring their own built-in biases from their own (substantially more privileged) lived experiences to politics, and are some kind of neutral group is absurd. Truly representative government requires a diversity of perspectives, especially in a party whose electoral base is dominated by working class women and people of color.

The idea that white liberal men don’t bring their own built-in biases from their own (substantially more privileged) lived experiences to politics, and are some kind of neutral group is absurd. Truly representative government requires a diversity of perspectives, especially in a party whose electoral base is dominated by working class women and people of color.