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World News

Burundian Women Want a Greater Say in Running of Country

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Burundian Women Want a Greater Say in Running of Country


As Burundi heads towards the 2015 general elections, and despite a quota of 30 percent women’s representation in parliament, women in this southeast African nation feel that they are yet to have a significant say in the management of their country.

Bernardine Sindakira, the chairwoman of Synergy of Partners for the Promotion of Women’s Rights (SPPDF), a Burundian coalition of women’s rights organisations, tells IPS that the country’s very traditional culture still considers women as “homemakers” as women are educated to play this role from young. 

As Burundi heads towards the 2015 general elections, and despite a quota of 30 percent women’s representation in parliament, women in this southeast African nation feel that they are yet to have a significant say in the management of their country.

Bernardine Sindakira, the chairwoman of Synergy of Partners for the Promotion of Women’s Rights (SPPDF), a Burundian coalition of women’s rights organisations, tells IPS that the country’s very traditional culture still considers women as “homemakers” as women are educated to play this role from young. 

World News

More than quotas are needed for women in politics

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More than quotas are needed for women in politics


While Lebanon suffers from a paucity of female politicians, establishing a quota is not the only way to bolster women’s participation in the political sphere, say members of UNDP’s Lebanese Electoral Assistance Program.

Parties from all across the political spectrum acknowledge the need to include more women in Lebanese politics, but agreeing what steps to take toward that end have proved more difficult said Richard Chambers, the Chief Technical Adviser at LEAP.

While Lebanon suffers from a paucity of female politicians, establishing a quota is not the only way to bolster women’s participation in the political sphere, say members of UNDP’s Lebanese Electoral Assistance Program.

Parties from all across the political spectrum acknowledge the need to include more women in Lebanese politics, but agreeing what steps to take toward that end have proved more difficult said Richard Chambers, the Chief Technical Adviser at LEAP.

World News

Women miss out in NSW parliament (Australia)

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Women miss out in NSW parliament (Australia)


The heady days when Sydney women looked up to a female prime minister, female premier, governor and governor-general are long gone.

There is just one female cabinet minister in Canberra. And now the NSW parliament is likely to emerge from the next election with its worst result for women’s representation in the upper house in decades.

NSW Labor has ignored Labor’s rule that 40 per cent of candidates pre-selected for winnable seats must be women. The Nationals and Liberals' merit-based promotion of female candidates has similarly failed.

The heady days when Sydney women looked up to a female prime minister, female premier, governor and governor-general are long gone.

There is just one female cabinet minister in Canberra. And now the NSW parliament is likely to emerge from the next election with its worst result for women’s representation in the upper house in decades.

NSW Labor has ignored Labor’s rule that 40 per cent of candidates pre-selected for winnable seats must be women. The Nationals and Liberals' merit-based promotion of female candidates has similarly failed.

The incredibly poor gender diversity of elected state officials in the U.S., in 7 maps and charts

July 2, 2014

The incredibly poor gender diversity of elected state officials in the U.S., in 7 maps and charts

South Carolina’s Senate is the nation’s least gender-diverse legislative chamber, with just 2 percent representation, according to data from theCenter for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University’s Eagleton Institute of Politics.

South Carolina’s Senate is the nation’s least gender-diverse legislative chamber, with just 2 percent representation, according to data from theCenter for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University’s Eagleton Institute of Politics.


Twitter chat on women in the Slovenian Elections

July 1, 2014

Twitter chat on women in the Slovenian Elections

Twitter Chat with iKNOW Politics expert Sonia Lokar on women’s political participation during the electoral process and elections taking place July 13 in Slovenia.


Host:  @iKNOW_Politics

Twitter Chat with iKNOW Politics expert Sonia Lokar on women’s political participation during the electoral process and elections taking place July 13 in Slovenia.


Host:  @iKNOW_Politics