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World News

Turkish women establishing political party

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Turkish women establishing political party


Turkey's first women-only party was established on June 26 after a group of women has submitted a petition to the Interior Ministry, allowing it to participate in parliamentary elections held in 2015.

The party demands the construction of democratic political parties, transparency in election laws and a reduction of the electoral threshold to 3 percent.

Benal Yazgan, the head of the Women Party Initiative stated that what they want is to take the initiative a step further and turn it into a political party.

Turkey's first women-only party was established on June 26 after a group of women has submitted a petition to the Interior Ministry, allowing it to participate in parliamentary elections held in 2015.

The party demands the construction of democratic political parties, transparency in election laws and a reduction of the electoral threshold to 3 percent.

Benal Yazgan, the head of the Women Party Initiative stated that what they want is to take the initiative a step further and turn it into a political party.

World News

Alliance Party MLA calls for quotas to get women into politics, Ireland

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Alliance Party MLA calls for quotas to get women into politics, Ireland


Gender quotas have worked to increase the number of women getting elected in politics and should be looked at along with other measures to encourage women to become candidates, Northern Ireland MLA, Anna Lo of the Alliance Party told a Sinn Féin summer school at the weekend.

Gender quotas have worked to increase the number of women getting elected in politics and should be looked at along with other measures to encourage women to become candidates, Northern Ireland MLA, Anna Lo of the Alliance Party told a Sinn Féin summer school at the weekend.

Gender quotas in Slovenia: A short analysis of failures and hopes

June 27, 2014

Gender quotas in Slovenia: A short analysis of failures and hopes

Slovenia is a Central-East European state entering the European Union as a kind of "success story‟.

Slovenia is a Central-East European state entering the European Union as a kind of "success story‟.

Women in Politics in Slovenia

June 27, 2014

Women in Politics in Slovenia

Slovenia is one of the newer European states. This year we marked the 22nd anniversary of the independence declaration. It joined the European Union in 2004. 
Slovenia is one of the newer European states. This year we marked the 22nd anniversary of the independence declaration. It joined the European Union in 2004. 

World News

Lack of women in politics highlighted in official report, Ireland

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Lack of women in politics highlighted in official report, Ireland


The Department of Justice has reported to the United Nations that there are too few women in politics and other decision-making roles in Ireland.

In a gender equality report submitted to the UN’s Economic Commission for Europe, violence against women is described as a “persistent challenge” in Ireland.

The document also points to “gender segregation” in both education and the work force, “which may be impacting on the advancement of women into decision-making roles and on closing the gender pay gap”.

The Department of Justice has reported to the United Nations that there are too few women in politics and other decision-making roles in Ireland.

In a gender equality report submitted to the UN’s Economic Commission for Europe, violence against women is described as a “persistent challenge” in Ireland.

The document also points to “gender segregation” in both education and the work force, “which may be impacting on the advancement of women into decision-making roles and on closing the gender pay gap”.

World News

Law to boost female representation in municipalities passes, Israel

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Law to boost female representation in municipalities passes, Israel


A measure rewarding municipal parties with women on their lists became law Monday night, with 57 in favor and 14 against it, despite outspoken haredi opposition.

A measure rewarding municipal parties with women on their lists became law Monday night, with 57 in favor and 14 against it, despite outspoken haredi opposition.

World News

Female political participation in the Pacific

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Female political participation in the Pacific


Last week I was in Tahiti (yes, I know) for PIPSA, the biannual Pacific Islands Political Science Association conference, to discuss China's role in the region and the influence Pacific island governments have in negotiating Chinese financing (more on that research in a forthcoming post).

Last week I was in Tahiti (yes, I know) for PIPSA, the biannual Pacific Islands Political Science Association conference, to discuss China's role in the region and the influence Pacific island governments have in negotiating Chinese financing (more on that research in a forthcoming post).

World News

Women’s Parliamentary Caucuses as agents of change

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Women’s Parliamentary Caucuses as agents of change


Nation-building processes cannot work and development goals cannot be achieved if women are denied meaningful political participation. To ensure this, Pakistan’s Parliament introduced in 2002 a 17 percent gender quota in all legislative houses.

But despite accounting for 22 percent of the federal parliament, from 2002 to 2007, women could not achieve much in terms of lawmaking except the Women’s Protection Act. In the subsequent mandate of 2008-2013, however, women made more progress, overseeing policy implementation and raising important issues in all Houses.

Nation-building processes cannot work and development goals cannot be achieved if women are denied meaningful political participation. To ensure this, Pakistan’s Parliament introduced in 2002 a 17 percent gender quota in all legislative houses.

But despite accounting for 22 percent of the federal parliament, from 2002 to 2007, women could not achieve much in terms of lawmaking except the Women’s Protection Act. In the subsequent mandate of 2008-2013, however, women made more progress, overseeing policy implementation and raising important issues in all Houses.

World News

Building Women's Political Presence: The AAP story, India

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Building Women's Political Presence: The AAP story, India


India's 16th General Election has been the most expensive exercise of its kind in the country's history. One estimate puts the figure at Rs 30,000 crore, a tad shy of the bill notched up in the 2012 US presidential polls. What does this tsunami of money power that brought Narendra Damodardas Modi to power mean for the faceless, voiceless Indian? The answer will unfold over the next five years, but what is clear is that for India's women, the more things change the more they remain the same.

India's 16th General Election has been the most expensive exercise of its kind in the country's history. One estimate puts the figure at Rs 30,000 crore, a tad shy of the bill notched up in the 2012 US presidential polls. What does this tsunami of money power that brought Narendra Damodardas Modi to power mean for the faceless, voiceless Indian? The answer will unfold over the next five years, but what is clear is that for India's women, the more things change the more they remain the same.