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Women in the Media

The media are potentially powerful channels of information in a society. The messages they transmit can change or reinforce social mores and behaviours, and mobilize citizens to take progressive actions. While, ideally, the media should strive for accuracy and impartiality, in reality there are often imbalances in coverage, including in terms of women and their perspectives. Women politicians, for example, may be under-represented in news before and after elections. 

World News

UN scores Nigeria low on women participation in politics

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UN scores Nigeria low on women participation in politics


INEC urges political parties to respect their constitutions

The United Nations (UN) has scored Nigeria low in the area of women participation in politics.

INEC urges political parties to respect their constitutions

The United Nations (UN) has scored Nigeria low in the area of women participation in politics.

Experts React To Question On Prime Ministers Meeting “Because Of Their Age”

December 1, 2022

Experts React To Question On Prime Ministers Meeting “Because Of Their Age”

question asked to New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, to justify why she was meeting with Finland’

question asked to New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, to justify why she was meeting with Finland’

World News

Between sexual objectification and death threats: Electoral officials all over the world face unprecedented levels of disinformation, aggression and harassment

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Between sexual objectification and death threats: Electoral officials all over the world face unprecedented levels of disinformation, aggression and harassment


Recent media reports highlighted the worrying level of online harassment against poll workers around the 2022 United States mid-term elections. Ongoing work by International IDEA confirms that this phenomenon is not limited to the US. Disinformation and various forms of aggression and harassment targeting electoral officials in the information environment is a global phenomenon and poses a serious threat to democracy.

Recent media reports highlighted the worrying level of online harassment against poll workers around the 2022 United States mid-term elections. Ongoing work by International IDEA confirms that this phenomenon is not limited to the US. Disinformation and various forms of aggression and harassment targeting electoral officials in the information environment is a global phenomenon and poses a serious threat to democracy.

World News

Jacinda Ardern and Sanna Marin dismiss suggestion their age and gender was reason for meeting

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Jacinda Ardern and Sanna Marin dismiss suggestion their age and gender was reason for meeting


Finland’s PM says she met Ardern in New Zealand because they are both ‘prime ministers’ after journalist asks whether it was due to similar age and gender.

The prime ministers of Finland and New Zealand have taken a swipe at suggestions their first face-to-face meeting in New Zealand happened because they are both young female leaders.

Finland’s PM says she met Ardern in New Zealand because they are both ‘prime ministers’ after journalist asks whether it was due to similar age and gender.

The prime ministers of Finland and New Zealand have taken a swipe at suggestions their first face-to-face meeting in New Zealand happened because they are both young female leaders.

World News

Nigeria: NGO laments inadequate publicity for women politicians, others

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Nigeria: NGO laments inadequate publicity for women politicians, others


The CEO Women Radio, a non-governmental organization, Toun Okewale Sonaiya, has lamented that female politicians and leaders are not given the adequate media coverage as their male counterparts.

This was part of the submission at a two-day media training for political reporters organized by the Women Radio with support from United Nations Women and the Government of Canada held in Ilorin, the Kwara state capital, Thursday. 

The CEO Women Radio, a non-governmental organization, Toun Okewale Sonaiya, has lamented that female politicians and leaders are not given the adequate media coverage as their male counterparts.

This was part of the submission at a two-day media training for political reporters organized by the Women Radio with support from United Nations Women and the Government of Canada held in Ilorin, the Kwara state capital, Thursday. 

Ten women in politics you should probably know about it

November 25, 2022

Ten women in politics you should probably know about it

Love it or loathe it, politics is a completely unavoidable part of life, especially living here in the UK, where politicians and their various flaws and virtues seem to fuel daily headlines.

Love it or loathe it, politics is a completely unavoidable part of life, especially living here in the UK, where politicians and their various flaws and virtues seem to fuel daily headlines.

Voices of women and girls essential to fight for human rights

November 25, 2022

Voices of women and girls essential to fight for human rights

“Around the world, we see stigmatization, harassment and outright attacks used to silence and discredit women who are outspoken as leaders, community workers, human rights defenders and politicians,” said Peggy Hicks, Director of the Thematic Engagement, Special Proce

“Around the world, we see stigmatization, harassment and outright attacks used to silence and discredit women who are outspoken as leaders, community workers, human rights defenders and politicians,” said Peggy Hicks, Director of the Thematic Engagement, Special Proce

Quantifying gender biases towards politicians on Reddit

November 24, 2022

Quantifying gender biases towards politicians on Reddit

increase gender parity in politics, global efforts have struggled to ensure equal female representation. This is likely tied to implicit gender biases against women in authority.

increase gender parity in politics, global efforts have struggled to ensure equal female representation. This is likely tied to implicit gender biases against women in authority.

“Where is Nancy?”: How threats against women in power are tied to threats against democracy

November 7, 2022

“Where is Nancy?”: How threats against women in power are tied to threats against democracy

The attack on Paul Pelosi in his home by an assailant who reportedly was looking for the House speaker highlights the danger of the outrage and vitriol that often particularly targets women in positions of power. 

The attack on Paul Pelosi in his home by an assailant who reportedly was looking for the House speaker highlights the danger of the outrage and vitriol that often particularly targets women in positions of power.