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Women, Peace and Security

Established international norms and standards promote the protection of women during armed conflict and their participation in peace and security decision-making. The UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security (UNSCR 1325) is one of the critical tools for moving the gender equality agenda forward in conflict and postconflict situations.

World News

Women's rights a pillar of UAE foreign policy, says minister

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Women's rights a pillar of UAE foreign policy, says minister


Women’s rights are a pillar of the UAE’s foreign policy, Minister of State Zaki Nusseibeh told a conference on sexual and gender-based violence in Oslo on Thursday 23th.

A UAE delegation, lead by Mr Nusseibeh, co-hosted the "International Conference on Ending Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Crises" in the Norwegian capital on May 23 — 24.

Women’s rights are a pillar of the UAE’s foreign policy, Minister of State Zaki Nusseibeh told a conference on sexual and gender-based violence in Oslo on Thursday 23th.

A UAE delegation, lead by Mr Nusseibeh, co-hosted the "International Conference on Ending Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Crises" in the Norwegian capital on May 23 — 24.

World News

UN organization lauds Egypt's plan of action on women

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UN organization lauds Egypt's plan of action on women


The UN Women Organization lauded the strong initiative adopted by Egypt and its decision to work out the first national plan of action to put into effect UN resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. 

The UN Women Organization lauded the strong initiative adopted by Egypt and its decision to work out the first national plan of action to put into effect UN resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. 

Might greater gender equality in senior roles help reduce corruption in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine?

May 23, 2019

Might greater gender equality in senior roles help reduce corruption in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine?

Based on the definitions of “corruption” adopted by major international institutions and of “women in power” adopted by the United Nations, this note focuses on whether a larger number of women in power positions in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine might

Based on the definitions of “corruption” adopted by major international institutions and of “women in power” adopted by the United Nations, this note focuses on whether a larger number of women in power positions in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine might

World News

Women must be at ‘centre of peacekeeping decision-making’, UN chief tells Security Council

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Women must be at ‘centre of peacekeeping decision-making’, UN chief tells Security Council


Through its landmark resolution 1325 on women and peace and security, the Council reaffirmed the participation and involvement of women, which the UN chief hailed as “a key element in the maintenance of international peace and security”. He also noted the UN’s “essential system-wide effort” to enhance women’s representation at all levels and in all arenas, through his Strategy on Gender Parity.

Through its landmark resolution 1325 on women and peace and security, the Council reaffirmed the participation and involvement of women, which the UN chief hailed as “a key element in the maintenance of international peace and security”. He also noted the UN’s “essential system-wide effort” to enhance women’s representation at all levels and in all arenas, through his Strategy on Gender Parity.


Women in Public Administration

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Women in Public Administration

“Increasing the proportion of women in public institutions makes them more representative, increases innovation, improves decision-making and benefits whole societies” - António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, Message on International Women’s Day 2017

“Increasing the proportion of women in public institutions makes them more representative, increases innovation, improves decision-making and benefits whole societies” - António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, Message on International Women’s Day 2017

World News

We'll start seeing more lasting peace when women get more seats at the negotiating table

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We'll start seeing more lasting peace when women get more seats at the negotiating table


Peace agreements last 35% longer when women are involved in the negotiating process. But too often, they're not.

Peace agreements last 35% longer when women are involved in the negotiating process. But too often, they're not.

Transitional justice and peace negotiations with a gender lens

January 18, 2019

Transitional justice and peace negotiations with a gender lens

This paper is part of a Gender Briefing Series to support women’s meaningful participation and the integration of gender p

This paper is part of a Gender Briefing Series to support women’s meaningful participation and the integration of gender p

World News

First Afghan woman appointed to high Interior Ministry post

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First Afghan woman appointed to high Interior Ministry post


KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghanistan has appointed its first woman to a senior post at the Interior Ministry, naming Hosna Jalil as deputy for policy and strategic affairs.

Following her appointment ceremony on Wednesday, Jalil said she relished the challenges of the job.

Afghan women have forged ahead since the 2001 collapse of the Taliban regime, which denied girls the right to go to school and women the right to work.

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghanistan has appointed its first woman to a senior post at the Interior Ministry, naming Hosna Jalil as deputy for policy and strategic affairs.

Following her appointment ceremony on Wednesday, Jalil said she relished the challenges of the job.

Afghan women have forged ahead since the 2001 collapse of the Taliban regime, which denied girls the right to go to school and women the right to work.