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Women, Peace and Security

Established international norms and standards promote the protection of women during armed conflict and their participation in peace and security decision-making. The UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security (UNSCR 1325) is one of the critical tools for moving the gender equality agenda forward in conflict and postconflict situations.

Factsheet on Women, Peace and Security in the Middle East and North Africa Region

February 19, 2016

Factsheet on Women, Peace and Security in the Middle East and North Africa Region

Mean Streets: Identifying and Responding to Urban Refugees' Risks of Gender-Based Violence

February 18, 2016

Mean Streets: Identifying and Responding to Urban Refugees' Risks of Gender-Based Violence

The Women’s Refugee Commission improves the lives and protects the rights of women, children and youth displaced by conflict and crisis.

The Women’s Refugee Commission improves the lives and protects the rights of women, children and youth displaced by conflict and crisis.

Declaration on Political Harassment and Violence Against Women

February 17, 2016

Declaration on Political Harassment and Violence Against Women

The Declaration on Political Harassment and Violence Against Women was issued in the framework of the Conv

The Declaration on Political Harassment and Violence Against Women was issued in the framework of the Conv

World News

World News

Afghan women fight for bigger voice in peace process

Submitted by admin1 on

Afghan women fight for bigger voice in peace process


According to Human Rights Watch, Afghan women have been denied participation in the last 20 rounds of official peace negotiations. The exclusion of women is explained by some to be the result of women’s limited representation in Afghanistan, where men hold virtually all top positions in government and security institutions.

According to Human Rights Watch, Afghan women have been denied participation in the last 20 rounds of official peace negotiations. The exclusion of women is explained by some to be the result of women’s limited representation in Afghanistan, where men hold virtually all top positions in government and security institutions.


Alaa Murabit

Submitted by admin1 on
January 22, 2016

Alaa Murabit

The Voice of Libyan Women: A progressive voice amid violence and insecurity
Alaa Murabit
The Voice of Libyan Women: A progressive voice amid violence and insecurity
Alaa Murabit
The Voice of Libyan Women: A progressive voice amid violence and insecurity

World News

Call for proposals for an international expert on Women, Peace and Security training to conduct an assessment in Myanmar for the Alliance for Gender Inclusion in the Peace Process

Submitted by admin1 on

Call for proposals for an international expert on Women, Peace and Security training to conduct an assessment in Myanmar for the Alliance for Gender Inclusion in the Peace Process


A call for experts is being issued to contract an experienced consultant to undertake a detailed assessment for the Alliance for Gender Inclusion in the Peace Process (AGIPP) in Myanmar related to training undertaken with respect to Women, Peace and Security, SCR1325 or peace process and gender-related objectives and content.

A call for experts is being issued to contract an experienced consultant to undertake a detailed assessment for the Alliance for Gender Inclusion in the Peace Process (AGIPP) in Myanmar related to training undertaken with respect to Women, Peace and Security, SCR1325 or peace process and gender-related objectives and content.
