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Women, Peace and Security

Established international norms and standards promote the protection of women during armed conflict and their participation in peace and security decision-making. The UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security (UNSCR 1325) is one of the critical tools for moving the gender equality agenda forward in conflict and postconflict situations.

World News

The Congress of the State of Oaxaca approves the reform of the state law on women's access to a life without violence

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The Congress of the State of Oaxaca approves the reform of the state law on women's access to a life without violence


The Congress of the State of Oaxaca approved last 28 January reforming the state law on women's access to a life without violence. Similarly, it also approved the amendment of Article 401 bis of the Penal Code, which deals with political violence against women.

The Congress of the State of Oaxaca approved last 28 January reforming the state law on women's access to a life without violence. Similarly, it also approved the amendment of Article 401 bis of the Penal Code, which deals with political violence against women.

World News

Mexican women politicians agree to a special protocol against political violence

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Mexican women politicians agree to a special protocol against political violence


In the state of Morelos (Mexico), it met last January 28 a group of women holding public office occupied or to arrange a special protocol for women who suffer political violence.

In the state of Morelos (Mexico), it met last January 28 a group of women holding public office occupied or to arrange a special protocol for women who suffer political violence.

World News

CNN Video on the Importance of Women for Peacebuilding

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CNN Video on the Importance of Women for Peacebuilding


The CNN video 'Women Waging Peace' discusses the relevance of having women involved in peace negotiations. It can be accessed here.

The CNN video 'Women Waging Peace' discusses the relevance of having women involved in peace negotiations. It can be accessed here.

World News

Research Stresses the Importance of Gender Quotas to Improve Life Standards for Girls in India

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Research Stresses the Importance of Gender Quotas to Improve Life Standards for Girls in India


A recent article authored by Ms. Miriam Kelberg stresses the importance of gender quotas in India as a way to improve the standards of living for girls in this country. Gender quotas in India have had a strong impact at the local level, having changed deeply Indian society, according to Ms. Kelberg. Those local governments with higher proportions of women representation pay more attention to issues like water access and welfare programs.

A recent article authored by Ms. Miriam Kelberg stresses the importance of gender quotas in India as a way to improve the standards of living for girls in this country. Gender quotas in India have had a strong impact at the local level, having changed deeply Indian society, according to Ms. Kelberg. Those local governments with higher proportions of women representation pay more attention to issues like water access and welfare programs.

World News

United Nations and the Network of Women in Plural urge for justice after the murder of the mayor of Temixco

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United Nations and the Network of Women in Plural urge for justice after the murder of the mayor of Temixco


After an election campaign that had acrimoniously questioned the relevance of the political participation of women, the last elections in Mexico to renew the local Congress in Morelos resulted in the election of six local deputies and six mayors. One of these mayors was Gisela Raquel Mota Ocampo, killed the day after taking office.

After an election campaign that had acrimoniously questioned the relevance of the political participation of women, the last elections in Mexico to renew the local Congress in Morelos resulted in the election of six local deputies and six mayors. One of these mayors was Gisela Raquel Mota Ocampo, killed the day after taking office.

World News

Very weak participation of women in Middle East peace talks

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Very weak participation of women in Middle East peace talks


The ongoing peace negotiations for the Middle East region, and Syria in particular, are not taking into account the role of women. This misrecognition of women, against the Security Council resolution 1325, is particularly serious in a situation in which women were deeply involved during the origins of the 2011 revolutions against Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

The ongoing peace negotiations for the Middle East region, and Syria in particular, are not taking into account the role of women. This misrecognition of women, against the Security Council resolution 1325, is particularly serious in a situation in which women were deeply involved during the origins of the 2011 revolutions against Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

World News

Ms. Margot Wallström, Swedish Foreign Minister, Defines as 'Medieval' Saudi Arabia's Treatment of Women

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Ms. Margot Wallström, Swedish Foreign Minister, Defines as 'Medieval' Saudi Arabia's Treatment of Women


The Swedish Foreign Minister, Margot Wallström, declared that Saudi Arabia’s measures against women are ‘medieval’. The declarations followed the decision by the Saudi courts of ordering that Raif Badawi, who had created a webpage encouraging free speech, must receive 1,000 lashes and ten years in prison. Furthermore, Wallström said that these kind of methods are a ‘cruel attempt to silence modern forms of expression’.

The Swedish Foreign Minister, Margot Wallström, declared that Saudi Arabia’s measures against women are ‘medieval’. The declarations followed the decision by the Saudi courts of ordering that Raif Badawi, who had created a webpage encouraging free speech, must receive 1,000 lashes and ten years in prison. Furthermore, Wallström said that these kind of methods are a ‘cruel attempt to silence modern forms of expression’.

World News

Sweden Launches Action Plan for Feminist Foreign Policy

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Sweden Launches Action Plan for Feminist Foreign Policy


The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden has launched its ‘Swedish Foreign Service action plan for feminist foreign policy 2015-2018 including focus areas for 2016’. This plan departs from the idea that gender equality is an end in itself, but also something necessary to achieve the rest of the commitments assumed by the Swedish Government, including peace, security and sustainable development.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden has launched its ‘Swedish Foreign Service action plan for feminist foreign policy 2015-2018 including focus areas for 2016’. This plan departs from the idea that gender equality is an end in itself, but also something necessary to achieve the rest of the commitments assumed by the Swedish Government, including peace, security and sustainable development.

World News

Global Leader's Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

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Global Leader's Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment


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