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Women, Peace and Security

Established international norms and standards promote the protection of women during armed conflict and their participation in peace and security decision-making. The UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security (UNSCR 1325) is one of the critical tools for moving the gender equality agenda forward in conflict and postconflict situations.

Women and conflict Ukraine: photo exhibition

April 28, 2015

Women and conflict Ukraine: photo exhibition

4 December 2014 A photo exhibition "Women and conflict in Ukraine", organized  by the UN Office in Ukraine together with the Ministry of Social Policy and Ukrainian Women's Fund.

4 December 2014 A photo exhibition "Women and conflict in Ukraine", organized  by the UN Office in Ukraine together with the Ministry of Social Policy and Ukrainian Women's Fund.


A Dream for Africa: Video Interview with Bineta Diop

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on
April 14, 2015

A Dream for Africa: Video Interview with Bineta Diop

For over 20 years, Bineta Diop has been a tireless advocate for gender equality in Africa and at the forefront of a gender-sensitive approach to conflict prevention.

For over 20 years, Bineta Diop has been a tireless advocate for gender equality in Africa and at the forefront of a gender-sensitive approach to conflict prevention.


WILPF 2015 Conference Workshop: “A Feminist Playbook for Peace: Re-Owning 1325,” Women’s Power to Stop War Conference


WILPF 2015 Conference Workshop: “A Feminist Playbook for Peace: Re-Owning 1325,” Women’s Power to Stop War Conference

From April 27-29, 2015, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) 2015 Conference will take place in The Hague, Netherlands.

World News


World News

MPs commit to transformative action on global peace and development

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MPs commit to transformative action on global peace and development


Members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) have committed to taking the necessary action to carry forward proposed new sustainable development goals (SDGs) due to be adopted later this year. The success of the SDGs would transform the world and the lives of its people.
Parliaments from across the world reaffirmed their vision of sustainable development based on human rights, poverty eradication, peace and security in the Hanoi Declaration, adopted at the conclusion of the five-day 132nd IPU Assembly in the Vietnamese capital.

Members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) have committed to taking the necessary action to carry forward proposed new sustainable development goals (SDGs) due to be adopted later this year. The success of the SDGs would transform the world and the lives of its people.
Parliaments from across the world reaffirmed their vision of sustainable development based on human rights, poverty eradication, peace and security in the Hanoi Declaration, adopted at the conclusion of the five-day 132nd IPU Assembly in the Vietnamese capital.

World News

International Criminal Court elects first woman president

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International Criminal Court elects first woman president


It is symptomatic of the low profile kept by the International Criminal Court (ICC) that even what might be regarded as a landmark event and a positive one too for women – the election of the first female president in its troubled 12-year history – passed with hardly a murmur.

It is symptomatic of the low profile kept by the International Criminal Court (ICC) that even what might be regarded as a landmark event and a positive one too for women – the election of the first female president in its troubled 12-year history – passed with hardly a murmur.