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Women, Peace and Security

Established international norms and standards promote the protection of women during armed conflict and their participation in peace and security decision-making. The UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security (UNSCR 1325) is one of the critical tools for moving the gender equality agenda forward in conflict and postconflict situations.

Survey Report: Syria Peace Talks Fail to Engage Women

February 14, 2014

Survey Report: Syria Peace Talks Fail to Engage Women

In partnership with the Center for Civil Society and Democracy in Syria, Inclusive Security conducted a survey of 110 women living and working inside Syria.

In partnership with the Center for Civil Society and Democracy in Syria, Inclusive Security conducted a survey of 110 women living and working inside Syria.

Women, Peace and Security: An Analysis of the National Action Plans Developed in Response to UN Security Council Resolution 1325

February 13, 2014

Women, Peace and Security: An Analysis of the National Action Plans Developed in Response to UN Security Council Resolution 1325

This research analyzes the 11 national action plans that were adopted between June 2005 and October 2008 as a response to the United Nations Security Council’s Resolution 1325.
This research analyzes the 11 national action plans that were adopted between June 2005 and October 2008 as a response to the United Nations Security Council’s Resolution 1325.

Women, Peace, Security and the National Action Plans

February 13, 2014

Women, Peace, Security and the National Action Plans

Twenty criteria are used to analyze sixteen national action plans that focus on women, peace and security.
Twenty criteria are used to analyze sixteen national action plans that focus on women, peace and security.

World News

Don’t negotiate women in Pakistan

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Don’t negotiate women in Pakistan


While we women welcome the initiative of talks taken by the government and stand in full solidarity with them, we would like to clearly state that women will not be a negotiating chip this time.

We have dealt with the Taliban for over a decade and with the traditional feudal mindset and patriarchal system for centuries. Whether it is in the name of Islam or in the name of tradition, it all falls on our heads.

While we women welcome the initiative of talks taken by the government and stand in full solidarity with them, we would like to clearly state that women will not be a negotiating chip this time.

We have dealt with the Taliban for over a decade and with the traditional feudal mindset and patriarchal system for centuries. Whether it is in the name of Islam or in the name of tradition, it all falls on our heads.

Report from SIGAR: Challenges to Securing Afghan Women’s Gains in a Post-2014 Environment

February 7, 2014

Report from SIGAR: Challenges to Securing Afghan Women’s Gains in a Post-2014 Environment

The situation for women during the Taliban regime contrasted sharply with that observed in earlier periods, particularly the era of the Soviet occupation (1979-89).

The situation for women during the Taliban regime contrasted sharply with that observed in earlier periods, particularly the era of the Soviet occupation (1979-89).

World News

Tunisia's Ennahda and Ettakattol women MPs celebrate

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Tunisia's Ennahda and Ettakattol women MPs celebrate


Tunisia's new constitution could usher in momentous change for women, following the adoption of a clause which guarantees gender equality in legislative assemblies and for steps to be taken to protect women against violence, a first in the Arab world.

"This article is a revolution in itself. It's a big, historic step, not only for Tunisian women," says Lobna Jeribi, who celebrated until the early hours of the morning after the constitution had been adopted.


Tunisia's new constitution could usher in momentous change for women, following the adoption of a clause which guarantees gender equality in legislative assemblies and for steps to be taken to protect women against violence, a first in the Arab world.

"This article is a revolution in itself. It's a big, historic step, not only for Tunisian women," says Lobna Jeribi, who celebrated until the early hours of the morning after the constitution had been adopted.


World News

Helen Clark, Top UN Official, Warns Against Syria Intervention At Women Of The Year Lecture

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Helen Clark, Top UN Official, Warns Against Syria Intervention At Women Of The Year Lecture


One of the UN's most senior leaders has warned against Western intervention in Syria, drawing on her experience as prime minister of New Zealand when she decided not to take the country to war with Iraq.

Helen Clark, who was a Labour prime minister of New Zealand for nine years, said she had never regretted her decision not to join the Allies in the toppling of Sadaam Hussein.


One of the UN's most senior leaders has warned against Western intervention in Syria, drawing on her experience as prime minister of New Zealand when she decided not to take the country to war with Iraq.

Helen Clark, who was a Labour prime minister of New Zealand for nine years, said she had never regretted her decision not to join the Allies in the toppling of Sadaam Hussein.


World News

No Seat for Syrian Women at the Peace Talks

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No Seat for Syrian Women at the Peace Talks


The talks in Syria began today, with the Syrian government and opposition exchanging accusations and invectives. Missing was the voice of nonviolent civilians, especially women, even through they have been trying for months to have a seat at the table. "When we talk about women at the table, the men see them as the tablecloth," said Hibaaq Osman, an NGO leader who has been working with Syrian women and pushing for their inclusion. "The future of Syria should not exclusively be decided by those who carry guns."


The talks in Syria began today, with the Syrian government and opposition exchanging accusations and invectives. Missing was the voice of nonviolent civilians, especially women, even through they have been trying for months to have a seat at the table. "When we talk about women at the table, the men see them as the tablecloth," said Hibaaq Osman, an NGO leader who has been working with Syrian women and pushing for their inclusion. "The future of Syria should not exclusively be decided by those who carry guns."


World News

Geneva II offers best chance for a political solution to Syria Crisis

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Geneva II offers best chance for a political solution to Syria Crisis


Oxfam calls for increased participation of women and civil society organizations in peace process

The Geneva II Conference, which opens today, must deliver real change in the lives of ordinary Syrians, says the worldwide development organization Oxfam.

Oxfam calls for increased participation of women and civil society organizations in peace process

The Geneva II Conference, which opens today, must deliver real change in the lives of ordinary Syrians, says the worldwide development organization Oxfam.