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Women, Peace and Security

Established international norms and standards promote the protection of women during armed conflict and their participation in peace and security decision-making. The UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security (UNSCR 1325) is one of the critical tools for moving the gender equality agenda forward in conflict and postconflict situations.

World News

Many Iranian women demand political change amid decades-long grievances

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Many Iranian women demand political change amid decades-long grievances


DUBAI, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Like millions of other Iranian women, retired teacher Somayyeh has been repressed by the country's hardline Islamic laws for decades but was too frightened to stand up to ruling clerics - until Mahsa Amini's death in morality police custody last month.

DUBAI, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Like millions of other Iranian women, retired teacher Somayyeh has been repressed by the country's hardline Islamic laws for decades but was too frightened to stand up to ruling clerics - until Mahsa Amini's death in morality police custody last month.

World News

South Sudan: Taking steps towards the inclusion of women in peace-building

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South Sudan: Taking steps towards the inclusion of women in peace-building


In South Sudan, Africa's youngest nation, women's political participation remains low when there are calls to have more women in positions of power globally. The Republic of South Sudan gained its independence on the 9th of July 2011 but slid into political violence within barely two years of its existence.

In South Sudan, Africa's youngest nation, women's political participation remains low when there are calls to have more women in positions of power globally. The Republic of South Sudan gained its independence on the 9th of July 2011 but slid into political violence within barely two years of its existence.


Achieving Sustainable Peace and Security through Gender-Responsive Leadership


Achieving Sustainable Peace and Security through Gender-Responsive Leadership

On Wednesday, September 21st, IPI together with the Government of Sweden, and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, in cooperation with the Folke Bernadotte

World News

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: arrest after attempted shooting of Argentina vice-president

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Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: arrest after attempted shooting of Argentina vice-president


Fernández de Kirchner was greeting supporters outside her home when a Brazilian man approached her and raised a handgun to her face

A man has been detained after he aimed a handgun at point-blank range at Argentina’s vice-president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, in what the president said was an attempt on her life.

Fernández de Kirchner was greeting supporters outside her home when a Brazilian man approached her and raised a handgun to her face

A man has been detained after he aimed a handgun at point-blank range at Argentina’s vice-president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, in what the president said was an attempt on her life.

In West Africa, a staggering low number of women in politics is brightened by one exception

August 25, 2022

In West Africa, a staggering low number of women in politics is brightened by one exception

LAGOS — A mere 17 women were appointed or elected to parliaments, ministerial or electoral offices in the West Africa/Sahel region out of 134 available positions from December 2021 to June 2022.

LAGOS — A mere 17 women were appointed or elected to parliaments, ministerial or electoral offices in the West Africa/Sahel region out of 134 available positions from December 2021 to June 2022.

World News

UN Women Sudan supports young women’s participation in the political process

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UN Women Sudan supports young women’s participation in the political process


Through roundtable discussions, capacity-building workshops, and seminars targeting women from across Sudan, UN Women Sudan empowers young women to learn skills in alliance-building and participation in political processes.

Through roundtable discussions, capacity-building workshops, and seminars targeting women from across Sudan, UN Women Sudan empowers young women to learn skills in alliance-building and participation in political processes.

World News

Police training rolled out across Kenya ahead of elections

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Police training rolled out across Kenya ahead of elections


A nationwide rollout of training on sexual and gender-based violence has recently concluded across Kenya to better equip law enforcement officials prevent and mitigate sexual violence during the country’s 2022 General Election.

A joint project from UN Women and OHCHR Kenya entitled has trained 141 police commanders on election security management. This four-day training specifically highlighted electoral-related sexual and gender-based violence and their specific role when dealing with these cases.

A nationwide rollout of training on sexual and gender-based violence has recently concluded across Kenya to better equip law enforcement officials prevent and mitigate sexual violence during the country’s 2022 General Election.

A joint project from UN Women and OHCHR Kenya entitled has trained 141 police commanders on election security management. This four-day training specifically highlighted electoral-related sexual and gender-based violence and their specific role when dealing with these cases.

Inclusion and gender equality in post-coup Myanmar

July 21, 2022

Inclusion and gender equality in post-coup Myanmar

This brief explores inclusion strategies for constitutional and democratic reform in the post-coup context of Myanmar.

This brief explores inclusion strategies for constitutional and democratic reform in the post-coup context of Myanmar.
