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Pacific women in leadership still battle cultural and social pushback


May 16, 2024

Pacific women in leadership still battle cultural and social pushback

Source: Pacific Media Network News

There are calls for more support for Pacific women to get into politics, while also recognising cultural leadership roles.

Pacific Island Forum Secretariat policy advisor on gender equality Dr Fiona Hukula says Pacific women have to balance expectations that can contradict each other.

“We live and fend in a world where we are also tied to some of our cultural and social obligations, and it in many ways influences the way we think about gender relations, the way we think about leadership.”

In the Pacific region, just 8.8 per cent of MPs are women. In the Marshall Islands, Hilda Heine is the first woman to become president, and the first woman president of any Micronesian country.

Speaking to William Terite on Pacific Mornings, Hukula says the low representation of women in parliament is a longstanding concern.

“We know that our region has some of the highest rates of violence in the world and the lowest rates of women’s political representation, but to be fair, there’s been a lot of work in trying to ensure that women take up leadership roles.”

Louisa Wall is a former Labour cabinet minister, and was the Ambassador for Gender Equality in the Pacific until March when her role was scrapped by the coalition government.

Read here the full article published by the Pacific Media Network News on 14 May 2024.

Image by the Pacific Media Network News


Resource type
Khalia Strong
Focus areas

There are calls for more support for Pacific women to get into politics, while also recognising cultural leadership roles.

Pacific Island Forum Secretariat policy advisor on gender equality Dr Fiona Hukula says Pacific women have to balance expectations that can contradict each other.

“We live and fend in a world where we are also tied to some of our cultural and social obligations, and it in many ways influences the way we think about gender relations, the way we think about leadership.”

In the Pacific region, just 8.8 per cent of MPs are women. In the Marshall Islands, Hilda Heine is the first woman to become president, and the first woman president of any Micronesian country.

Speaking to William Terite on Pacific Mornings, Hukula says the low representation of women in parliament is a longstanding concern.

“We know that our region has some of the highest rates of violence in the world and the lowest rates of women’s political representation, but to be fair, there’s been a lot of work in trying to ensure that women take up leadership roles.”

Louisa Wall is a former Labour cabinet minister, and was the Ambassador for Gender Equality in the Pacific until March when her role was scrapped by the coalition government.

Read here the full article published by the Pacific Media Network News on 14 May 2024.

Image by the Pacific Media Network News


Resource type
Khalia Strong
Focus areas