April 28, 2014
India, “The Success Story of Mayatai Sorte”
This paper tells the story of Mayatai Sorte, who was born into a lower caste in India. It describes her efforts to fight against gender and caste-based discrimination. It also documents her rise to a position of power in the Panchayat Raj, overcoming the barriers presented not only by her gender, but also by her low status in Indian society.
Resource type
Women's Environment & Development Organization (WEDO)
Publication year
Print article
This paper tells the story of Mayatai Sorte, who was born into a lower caste in India. It describes her efforts to fight against gender and caste-based discrimination. It also documents her rise to a position of power in the Panchayat Raj, overcoming the barriers presented not only by her gender, but also by her low status in Indian society.
Resource type
Women's Environment & Development Organization (WEDO)
Publication year