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Temporary Special Measures to Increase Women's Political Participation in the Pacific

Guide / Training Material

December 15, 2016

Temporary Special Measures to Increase Women's Political Participation in the Pacific

The story of women’s political empowerment in the Pacific continues to be one of struggle and hardship. Commitments have been made by Pacific Leaders to facilitate women’s entry into politics. While some countries have translated these commitments into tangible actions, many have not. This publication aims to showcase the success stories, and the lessons learned along the way in implementing Temporary Special Measures (TSMs) in the Pacific, so that where the path is still to be travelled, it may benefit from those who have gone before. This publication mirrors the high quality discussions of the Pacific Regional Conference on TSMs, held in Port Moresby in November 2015. This conference was a joint initiative of UNDP, the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and UN Women’s Multi-Country Office in Fiji, with the financial support of the Australian Aid program.

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UN Women

The story of women’s political empowerment in the Pacific continues to be one of struggle and hardship. Commitments have been made by Pacific Leaders to facilitate women’s entry into politics. While some countries have translated these commitments into tangible actions, many have not. This publication aims to showcase the success stories, and the lessons learned along the way in implementing Temporary Special Measures (TSMs) in the Pacific, so that where the path is still to be travelled, it may benefit from those who have gone before. This publication mirrors the high quality discussions of the Pacific Regional Conference on TSMs, held in Port Moresby in November 2015. This conference was a joint initiative of UNDP, the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and UN Women’s Multi-Country Office in Fiji, with the financial support of the Australian Aid program.

Click here to access the publication. 

UN Women
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UN Women

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