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International Women's Day 2015

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International Women's Day 2015


In 2015, International Women’s Day, celebrated globally on 8 March, will highlight the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a historic roadmap signed by 189 governments 20 years ago that sets the agenda for realizing women’s rights. While there have been many achievements since then, many serious gaps remain.

In 2015, International Women’s Day, celebrated globally on 8 March, will highlight the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a historic roadmap signed by 189 governments 20 years ago that sets the agenda for realizing women’s rights. While there have been many achievements since then, many serious gaps remain.

World News

Women, Peace and Security: Seeking Synergy with the Reviews on Peace Operations and Peacebuilding

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Women, Peace and Security: Seeking Synergy with the Reviews on Peace Operations and Peacebuilding


Speech by Deputy Executive Director of UN Women, Lakshmi Puri at a panel organized by the Netherlands on “Women Peace and Security: Seeking Synergy with the Reviews on Peace Operations and Peacebuilding,” 20 January 2015, New York.


Speech by Deputy Executive Director of UN Women, Lakshmi Puri at a panel organized by the Netherlands on “Women Peace and Security: Seeking Synergy with the Reviews on Peace Operations and Peacebuilding,” 20 January 2015, New York.


World News

Helen Clark: 2015: Speech to Women’s International Forum, "An Important Year for Gender and Development"

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Helen Clark: 2015: Speech to Women’s International Forum, "An Important Year for Gender and Development"


It is a pleasure to address the Women’s International Forum this afternoon.

It is a pleasure to address the Women’s International Forum this afternoon.

World News

The impact of Beijing: Gender equality as a political issue

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The impact of Beijing: Gender equality as a political issue


Edelfride Barbosa Almeida is an economist and founding member of one of the first NGOs in Cabo Verde to promote gender equality, Morabi. She participated in the parallel forum of the Fourth World Conference on Women, held specifically for NGOs, in Huairou, China and is the current President of the Cabo Verdian Association for Family Protection, VerdeFam.

Edelfride Barbosa Almeida is an economist and founding member of one of the first NGOs in Cabo Verde to promote gender equality, Morabi. She participated in the parallel forum of the Fourth World Conference on Women, held specifically for NGOs, in Huairou, China and is the current President of the Cabo Verdian Association for Family Protection, VerdeFam.

World News

End of Year message from iKNOW Politics expert and UNDP Policy, Gender, Political Process and Peacebuilding specialist Nika Saeedi.

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End of Year message from iKNOW Politics expert and UNDP Policy, Gender, Political Process and Peacebuilding specialist Nika Saeedi.


Gender discrimination runs deep. It infects the hearts of both men and women. Since without conscious, deliberate, and sustained effort, no one can remain unaffected by its corrosive influence, both groups must realize that such a problem can neither easily nor immediately be resolved. "Let neither think that anything short of consummate tact, sound initiative, mature wisdom, and deliberate, persistent effort can succeed in blotting out the stain which this patent unkind has left on humanity”.

Gender discrimination runs deep. It infects the hearts of both men and women. Since without conscious, deliberate, and sustained effort, no one can remain unaffected by its corrosive influence, both groups must realize that such a problem can neither easily nor immediately be resolved. "Let neither think that anything short of consummate tact, sound initiative, mature wisdom, and deliberate, persistent effort can succeed in blotting out the stain which this patent unkind has left on humanity”.

World News

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, November 25th 2014

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International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, November 25th 2014


Statement by UNDP Administrator Helen Clark

 Violence against women and girls appears all too often in headlines across the world. But along with the cases that make the news are many thousands of other incidents occurring every day, on every continent, and in every country. According to the World Health Organization, gender-based violence kills as many women between the ages of 15 and 44 as does cancer. Its toll on women's health surpasses that of traffic accidents and malaria combined.

Statement by UNDP Administrator Helen Clark

 Violence against women and girls appears all too often in headlines across the world. But along with the cases that make the news are many thousands of other incidents occurring every day, on every continent, and in every country. According to the World Health Organization, gender-based violence kills as many women between the ages of 15 and 44 as does cancer. Its toll on women's health surpasses that of traffic accidents and malaria combined.

World News

Les parlementaires réunis pour parer aux menaces contre la paix, la sécurité et les droits de l’homme

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Les parlementaires réunis pour parer aux menaces contre la paix, la sécurité et les droits de l’homme


World News

Myanmar: Building Strategies for Women Legislators to Succeed

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Myanmar: Building Strategies for Women Legislators to Succeed


September 27-28, 2014, the Parliamentary Centre held a workshop entitled “Strategies for Women Legislators to Succeed” in partnership with International IDEA.


September 27-28, 2014, the Parliamentary Centre held a workshop entitled “Strategies for Women Legislators to Succeed” in partnership with International IDEA.