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World News

UN Women: Mexico - Mobilizing to increase women in decision-making in Mexico

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UN Women: Mexico - Mobilizing to increase women in decision-making in Mexico


18 April 2012- “Rise up and sit at the table. Negotiate, because you are not alone. We are many women waiting for you to negotiate on our behalf “. The call comes from a strong commitment among Mexican women and SUMA (meaning sum of all parts in Spanish), an alliance of five civil society organizations which is working to increase women in decision-making in Mexico. The organization has been supported since 2011 by UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality, in cooperation with the National Institute for Women.

18 April 2012- “Rise up and sit at the table. Negotiate, because you are not alone. We are many women waiting for you to negotiate on our behalf “. The call comes from a strong commitment among Mexican women and SUMA (meaning sum of all parts in Spanish), an alliance of five civil society organizations which is working to increase women in decision-making in Mexico. The organization has been supported since 2011 by UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality, in cooperation with the National Institute for Women.

World News

UN Women: Michelle Bachelet Statement at the 12th International AWID Forum

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UN Women: Michelle Bachelet Statement at the 12th International AWID Forum


21 April 2012 - Good morning! It is my pleasure to join you today at the 12th International Association of Women in Development Forum on Women’s Rights and Development.

I bring you greetings from New York, and from all colleagues worldwide at UN Women.

I thank you for inviting me to be part of this panel on: “Economic Power, Why does it matter and how to understand it in the current global context”.

21 April 2012 - Good morning! It is my pleasure to join you today at the 12th International Association of Women in Development Forum on Women’s Rights and Development.

I bring you greetings from New York, and from all colleagues worldwide at UN Women.

I thank you for inviting me to be part of this panel on: “Economic Power, Why does it matter and how to understand it in the current global context”.

World News

NDI: Sub-Saharan Africa- Fomunyoh Testifies to Senate on Entrenched African Leadership

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NDI: Sub-Saharan Africa- Fomunyoh Testifies to Senate on Entrenched African Leadership


20 April 2012 - Entrenched and often autocratic one-man rule is causing a “democracy deficit” and impeding political development in many African countries, Christopher Fomunyoh, senior associate and regional director for Central and West Africa at NDI, said in congressional testimony April 18. But, speaking before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs, Fomunyoh said that significant political change has occurred in Africa in the last two decades through better elections and peaceful transfers of power. He was joined at the hearing, "U.S.

20 April 2012 - Entrenched and often autocratic one-man rule is causing a “democracy deficit” and impeding political development in many African countries, Christopher Fomunyoh, senior associate and regional director for Central and West Africa at NDI, said in congressional testimony April 18. But, speaking before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs, Fomunyoh said that significant political change has occurred in Africa in the last two decades through better elections and peaceful transfers of power. He was joined at the hearing, "U.S.

World News

World News

UN Women: Statement at the Commission on Population and Development forty-fifth session

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UN Women: Statement at the Commission on Population and Development forty-fifth session



Honourable Ministers
Distinguished Delegates
Ladies and Gentlemen

UN Women commends the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) and its focus on adolescence and youth this year.

The Commission provides invaluable and timely evidence on population and development status and trends related to gender equality and the empowerment of young women and girls. CPD is a key contributor for effectively mainstreaming a gender perspective in norms, policies and programmes.


Honourable Ministers
Distinguished Delegates
Ladies and Gentlemen

UN Women commends the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) and its focus on adolescence and youth this year.

The Commission provides invaluable and timely evidence on population and development status and trends related to gender equality and the empowerment of young women and girls. CPD is a key contributor for effectively mainstreaming a gender perspective in norms, policies and programmes.

World News

NDI: Sierra Leone- National Democratic Institute schools female politicians

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NDI: Sierra Leone- National Democratic Institute schools female politicians


30 April 2012 - Female aspirants for the November 17th General Elections drawn from all four Districts of Bo, Moyamba ,Pujehun and Bonthe have benefited from a two day training under the sponsorship of the National Democratic Institute.

30 April 2012 - Female aspirants for the November 17th General Elections drawn from all four Districts of Bo, Moyamba ,Pujehun and Bonthe have benefited from a two day training under the sponsorship of the National Democratic Institute.

World News

UN Women: India - Elected women representatives in India are awarded for their efforts to improve health

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UN Women: India - Elected women representatives in India are awarded for their efforts to improve health


1 May 2012 - Puniben Rajpara from Gujarat has improved water facilities in her village, while Shashi Kiran from Himachal Pradesh has demanded one-year maternity leave for working women in her area. At the Women’s Political Empowerment Day Celebrations 2012, they were two of the four outstanding elected women representatives from panchayats (village councils) who were honoured for their efforts to improve health and provide basic social amenities in their villages.

1 May 2012 - Puniben Rajpara from Gujarat has improved water facilities in her village, while Shashi Kiran from Himachal Pradesh has demanded one-year maternity leave for working women in her area. At the Women’s Political Empowerment Day Celebrations 2012, they were two of the four outstanding elected women representatives from panchayats (village councils) who were honoured for their efforts to improve health and provide basic social amenities in their villages.