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Democrats Losing Their Grip On Women Voters, USA

World News

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Democrats Losing Their Grip On Women Voters, USA


Once women voters were considered to be a sure thing for Democratic candidates, but the tide appears to be turning, according to last week’s poll by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News. That news has top Democrats out in full force, stumping for the votes that they thought they had in the bag. It comes as no surprise to the PolitiChicks, authors of the bestselling book, What Women Really Want.

The times, they are a’changing. Concerns over the President’s response to national security and foreign policy issues may be connected to turning the tide away from the Democrats, according to the WSJ. Often, the issues that women care most about are those that affect the family directly, such as the economy. But pollsters have found that women are paying much more attention than usual to recent events, such as the ISIS beheadings and the Ferguson riots. The threat level from groups like ISIS has become a concern of many who ordinarily don’t pay much attention to world events.

Job approval for President Obama among women has reached new lows, especially when it comes to foreign policy. While more women polled would still like to see a Democrat-controlled Congress, the gap between those who prefer Democrat control and those who prefer Republican is shrinking fast, causing some to take notice. Last month, there was a 14 point gap, 51 to 37 percent. The gap is half that this month, at 47 to 40 percent.

We invite our users to read the complete article published September 21st 2014 


Once women voters were considered to be a sure thing for Democratic candidates, but the tide appears to be turning, according to last week’s poll by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News. That news has top Democrats out in full force, stumping for the votes that they thought they had in the bag. It comes as no surprise to the PolitiChicks, authors of the bestselling book, What Women Really Want.

The times, they are a’changing. Concerns over the President’s response to national security and foreign policy issues may be connected to turning the tide away from the Democrats, according to the WSJ. Often, the issues that women care most about are those that affect the family directly, such as the economy. But pollsters have found that women are paying much more attention than usual to recent events, such as the ISIS beheadings and the Ferguson riots. The threat level from groups like ISIS has become a concern of many who ordinarily don’t pay much attention to world events.

Job approval for President Obama among women has reached new lows, especially when it comes to foreign policy. While more women polled would still like to see a Democrat-controlled Congress, the gap between those who prefer Democrat control and those who prefer Republican is shrinking fast, causing some to take notice. Last month, there was a 14 point gap, 51 to 37 percent. The gap is half that this month, at 47 to 40 percent.

We invite our users to read the complete article published September 21st 2014 
