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Israel: Woman FM is Within Reach of Israel's Highest Office

World News

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Israel: Woman FM is Within Reach of Israel's Highest Office


For the first time in 40 years, a woman is within reach of becoming the prime minister of Israel, a nation traditionally dominated by macho military types and a religious establishment decidedly lukewarm about equal rights for women. Unlike Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin in the United States, Israel's Tzipi Livni doesn't talk about cracking any glass ceilings or empowering her country's women.
To read the full article, please visit USA Today's Website.


For the first time in 40 years, a woman is within reach of becoming the prime minister of Israel, a nation traditionally dominated by macho military types and a religious establishment decidedly lukewarm about equal rights for women. Unlike Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin in the United States, Israel's Tzipi Livni doesn't talk about cracking any glass ceilings or empowering her country's women.
To read the full article, please visit USA Today's Website.
