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Papua New Guinea: APWLD Supports Dame Carol Kidu’s Efforts in Increasing Women’s Voices in PNG Parliament

World News

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Papua New Guinea: APWLD Supports Dame Carol Kidu’s Efforts in Increasing Women’s Voices in PNG Parliament


APWLD strongly supports Dame Carol Kidu, the only female Member of Parliament in Papua New Guinea (PNG), in her efforts to get three more women to serve in the PNG Parliament.Dame Carol Kidu has untiringly spearheaded efforts to bring more women into PNG's parliament. She made three cabinet submissions, the last of which was accepted, to get approval to use a clause in the constitution to allow three nominated women members of parliament. The PNG Constitution currently allows up to three members to be nominated by two-thirds majority vote. Use of temporary special measures to facilitate women’s participation in parliament is supported within PNG’s constitutional framework: s.55(1) of the PNG Constitution which explicitly recognises the equality of all citizens, sub-section 2 specifically accepts that “subsection (1) does not prevent the making of laws for the special benefit, welfare, protection or advancement of females, children and young persons…”
To read the complete article please visit APWLD website.


APWLD strongly supports Dame Carol Kidu, the only female Member of Parliament in Papua New Guinea (PNG), in her efforts to get three more women to serve in the PNG Parliament.Dame Carol Kidu has untiringly spearheaded efforts to bring more women into PNG's parliament. She made three cabinet submissions, the last of which was accepted, to get approval to use a clause in the constitution to allow three nominated women members of parliament. The PNG Constitution currently allows up to three members to be nominated by two-thirds majority vote. Use of temporary special measures to facilitate women’s participation in parliament is supported within PNG’s constitutional framework: s.55(1) of the PNG Constitution which explicitly recognises the equality of all citizens, sub-section 2 specifically accepts that “subsection (1) does not prevent the making of laws for the special benefit, welfare, protection or advancement of females, children and young persons…”
To read the complete article please visit APWLD website.
