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Leadership, Women and the UN Programme
Leadership, Women and the UN Programme
The Leadership, Women and the UN Programme aims to promote the expansion and renewal of prevalent paradigms of leadership and ensure a more gender-balanced workplace across and beyond the UN system…
Lead on! 2019 women in communication leadership forum
Lead on! 2019 women in communication leadership forum
Public Relations is a $15 billion global industry with a workforce that is approximately 70% female (Holmes Report). Yet, about 70% of C-suite and executive positions in agencies and corporate…
Fourteenth Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians
Fourteenth Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians
This Workshop will bring together scholars and parliamentarians in order to discuss research findings which are likely to be of practical use to parliamentarians. Following the practice of recent…
#RunAsYouAre2019: Multi-city national training
#RunAsYouAre2019: Multi-city national training
#RunAsYouAre 2019: National Training is a day long workshop for women who want to run for office and support other women who want to run. VoteRunLead's signature "How to Run for Office" trainings…
Women on the Run
Women on the Run
Register for Women on the Run, a non-partisan training and mentoring program for women interested in running for office, running campaigns or serving in a leadership role of a community organization…
NYSAC fall seminar: women's leadership roundtables
NYSAC fall seminar: women's leadership roundtables
The New York State Association of Counties is organizing a seminar to connect and share experiences across regions and party lines, learn from one another, support other women in government, and…
50 for London - Women's Media Training
50 for London - Women's Media Training
Description In Canadian news and information media, mens' voices still outnumber women's voices 2 to 1. There is also a growing body of research showing that the media often treats women differently…
International IDEA workshop on putting young people at the center: how to build democratic citizenship in transitioning countries?
International IDEA workshop on putting young people at the center: how to build democratic citizenship in transitioning countries?
“No citizens, no true democracy” is a widely held view in academic research and in democracy building processes. But  how  do  citizens  become  democratic  to  be…
Ready to Run™ Philadelphia
Ready to Run™ Philadelphia
Ready to Run™ Pennsylvania provides bi-partisan political training to encourage women to run for government leadership positions. The day-long program targets women considering or recently deciding…