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Women’s Political Participation and Empowerment in Post-Coup Myanmar
Women’s Political Participation and Empowerment in Post-Coup Myanmar
This side event will explore women’s political participation and empowerment in post-coup Myanmar. Building on CSW68 priority theme of accelerating achievement of gender equality and women’s…
Panel, campaign school unpack gender parity in politics
Panel, campaign school unpack gender parity in politics
According to the United Nations, women’s equal participation and leadership in political and public life are essential to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. However, UN data…
Regional Convening on Gendered Political Space
Regional Convening on Gendered Political Space
Women In Politics Forum (WIPF) with support from the West African Democracy Solidarity Network (WADEMOS) is hosting a Regional Convening on Gendered Political Space. At this convening, WADEMOS and…
Rethinking Women's Political Power
Rethinking Women's Political Power
Join us on Wednesday, December 6th at 4pm ET, for a virtual conversation Rethinking Women’s Political Power. Touching on major themes illuminated in CAWP’s forthcoming report of the same name, the…
Violence against Women in Politics?
Violence against Women in Politics?
This breakfast seminar sheds light on the issue of increasing violence against women in politics and asks whether the growing global trend of violence against women in politics is also relevant for…
The Donor Gap: A Conversation on Campaign Contributions and Raising Women’s Political Voices
The Donor Gap: A Conversation on Campaign Contributions and Raising Women’s Political Voices
Join the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) for a virtual conversation about CAWP’s new report, The Donor Gap: Raising Women’s Political Voices. This discussion will feature report author…
Unpacking Democracy: Why Gender Equality Matters
Unpacking Democracy: Why Gender Equality Matters
This event contributes and sustains the efforts to sustain gender equality on the global agenda for democracy.  Join us for a panel discussion with the Summit for Democracy’s Gender Equality…
Book talk: Women and Power in Africa - Aspiring, Campaigning, and Governing
Book talk: Women and Power in Africa - Aspiring, Campaigning, and Governing
This talk brings together experts on gender and African politics to examine trends in women’s political participation across the continent. In Women and Power in Africa, editors Leonardo Arriola,…
Promoting Equitable Gender Norms to Foster Democratic Resilience
Promoting Equitable Gender Norms to Foster Democratic Resilience
The Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, the governments of Sweden and Romania, and International IDEA invite you to an event ahead of the second Summit for Democracy on…