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Gender Equity in Tibetan Public Affairs: New Thoughts on a Democracy in Progress



Gender Equity in Tibetan Public Affairs: New Thoughts on a Democracy in Progress

The Global Gender Forum presents:


Gender Equity in Tibetan Public Affairs: New Thoughts on a Democracy in Progress


by Dr. B. Tsering
Reagan Fascell Democracy Fellow and Member of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile

While great strides have been made in promoting democracy in the Tibetan exile community, B. Tsering’s research suggests that women are, for the most part, still missing from Tibetan exile decision-making processes. B. Tsering discusses new findings and recommendations about: How to understand the development of democratic culture in the absence of women’s voices? And what can be done to advance gender equality in the Tibetan public affairs?

Friday, July 20, 3:00-4:00pm
5th floor Seminar Room, Suite 501

1957 E Street NW
The Elliott School of International Affairs
Free and open to the public but seating is limited
Please RSVP at

Light refreshments will be provided
This event is sponsored by GW's Global Gender Forum of the Elliott School'sInstitute of Global and International Studies
