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Isreal: A make or break election for Israeli women?

World News

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Isreal: A make or break election for Israeli women?


It is clear that this election could become a tipping point. Either the opponents of equality will win or those who believe in women’s rights will prevail. Fighting back piecemeal is no longer a viable option. We have made great progress as more and more grassroots movements and advocacy campaigns have taken hold. Even more significantly, the mainstream Israeli voter now understands that gender segregation and other discrimination against women are not just “women’s issues,” but rather a symptom of a society that needs to redirect its domestic agenda to stay a viable state with a civil society that is healthy, strong and compelling to the next generation of Israelis.

Read more at The Jerusalem Post, published 23 September 2012.


It is clear that this election could become a tipping point. Either the opponents of equality will win or those who believe in women’s rights will prevail. Fighting back piecemeal is no longer a viable option. We have made great progress as more and more grassroots movements and advocacy campaigns have taken hold. Even more significantly, the mainstream Israeli voter now understands that gender segregation and other discrimination against women are not just “women’s issues,” but rather a symptom of a society that needs to redirect its domestic agenda to stay a viable state with a civil society that is healthy, strong and compelling to the next generation of Israelis.

Read more at The Jerusalem Post, published 23 September 2012.
