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Kenya: AG, Raila Lobby Lawmakers On Gender Bill

World News

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Kenya: AG, Raila Lobby Lawmakers On Gender Bill


The government is urging Members of Parliament to support a Bill that backs party nominations to fill special seats in Parliament and the Senate, to meet the gender representation rule.

Attorney General Githu Muigai in an interview with Capital FM News advised MPs to pass the Bill published by Mutula Kilonzo when he was the Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister to avoid a constitutional crisis.

"We will seek to persuade Parliament to pass the Amendment Bill as it was published by Mutula. This is the easiest way to achieve the one third gender rule without doing much violence to the spirit of the constitution. It is something that poses a real threat to the future," Muigai asserted.

Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Monday also urged MPs to support the Bill to ensure the country achieves gender parity. He maintained that opinions aired by Orange Democratic Movement lawmakers were personal and not the position of his party.

Read more at All Africa, published 25 September 2012.


The government is urging Members of Parliament to support a Bill that backs party nominations to fill special seats in Parliament and the Senate, to meet the gender representation rule.

Attorney General Githu Muigai in an interview with Capital FM News advised MPs to pass the Bill published by Mutula Kilonzo when he was the Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister to avoid a constitutional crisis.

"We will seek to persuade Parliament to pass the Amendment Bill as it was published by Mutula. This is the easiest way to achieve the one third gender rule without doing much violence to the spirit of the constitution. It is something that poses a real threat to the future," Muigai asserted.

Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Monday also urged MPs to support the Bill to ensure the country achieves gender parity. He maintained that opinions aired by Orange Democratic Movement lawmakers were personal and not the position of his party.

Read more at All Africa, published 25 September 2012.
