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United Kingdom: Call for action to increase number of women in devolved parliaments

World News

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United Kingdom: Call for action to increase number of women in devolved parliaments


Campaigners demand reform of party selection procedures after last week's elections mostly failed to boost female representation. Equalities campaigners have called for dramatic reform of party selection procedures after the proportion of women elected to the UK's devolved legislatures was one of the lowest on record. Reform groups said the parties had to take positive action to increase the number of women in the Scottish parliament and the Welsh and Northern Irish assemblies, as last week's elections justified their fears there would be no improvement on equal rights. 


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Campaigners demand reform of party selection procedures after last week's elections mostly failed to boost female representation. Equalities campaigners have called for dramatic reform of party selection procedures after the proportion of women elected to the UK's devolved legislatures was one of the lowest on record. Reform groups said the parties had to take positive action to increase the number of women in the Scottish parliament and the Welsh and Northern Irish assemblies, as last week's elections justified their fears there would be no improvement on equal rights. 


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