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United Kingdom: Female Lib Dem MPs 'face electoral wipeout'

World News

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United Kingdom: Female Lib Dem MPs 'face electoral wipeout'


The Liberal Democrats face the prospect of having no female MPs after the next election if their current poll ratings continue, the Fabian Society says. The society, affiliated to the Labour party, suggests radical moves for the Lib Dems such as making former leaders Charles Kennedy and Sir Menzies Campbell offer their safe seats to female candidates to reverse the trend. Only seven of the 57 Lib Dem MPs are female and in the last couple of months the party has created a "leadership programme" to ensure more women and members of ethnic minorities become MPs. A list of 50 candidates – 50% of them women and 30% ethnic minority – will get strong support to stand for some of the party's safest seats.

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The Liberal Democrats face the prospect of having no female MPs after the next election if their current poll ratings continue, the Fabian Society says. The society, affiliated to the Labour party, suggests radical moves for the Lib Dems such as making former leaders Charles Kennedy and Sir Menzies Campbell offer their safe seats to female candidates to reverse the trend. Only seven of the 57 Lib Dem MPs are female and in the last couple of months the party has created a "leadership programme" to ensure more women and members of ethnic minorities become MPs. A list of 50 candidates – 50% of them women and 30% ethnic minority – will get strong support to stand for some of the party's safest seats.

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