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United Kingdom: Women and the coalition: Westminster culture

World News

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United Kingdom: Women and the coalition: Westminster culture


Gaffes are prompting female MPs to wonder if some equal opportunities training is in order. Coalition ministers keep on putting their foot in it. Among those facing accusations of sexism we've had David Cameron ("calm down dear"), David Willetts (blaming feminism for the lack of jobs for working men) and then Ken Clarke ("serious" rape). In each instance the government's defence was that they were misunderstood – by accident or design. But some of their female parliamentary colleagues are muttering that perhaps this male-dominated government needs some equal opportunities training.

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Gaffes are prompting female MPs to wonder if some equal opportunities training is in order. Coalition ministers keep on putting their foot in it. Among those facing accusations of sexism we've had David Cameron ("calm down dear"), David Willetts (blaming feminism for the lack of jobs for working men) and then Ken Clarke ("serious" rape). In each instance the government's defence was that they were misunderstood – by accident or design. But some of their female parliamentary colleagues are muttering that perhaps this male-dominated government needs some equal opportunities training.

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