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Women and conflict Ukraine: photo exhibition

April 28, 2015

Women and conflict Ukraine: photo exhibition

4 December 2014 A photo exhibition "Women and conflict in Ukraine", organized  by the UN Office in Ukraine together with the Ministry of Social Policy and Ukrainian Women's Fund.

4 December 2014 A photo exhibition "Women and conflict in Ukraine", organized  by the UN Office in Ukraine together with the Ministry of Social Policy and Ukrainian Women's Fund.

World News

Webinar Series Helping Latinas to "Step Into the Political Power," Improve the Number of Women in Politics

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Webinar Series Helping Latinas to "Step Into the Political Power," Improve the Number of Women in Politics


The newly launched webinar series created by VoteRunLead and LatinasRepresent has taken on the brave and worthy task of helping Latinas to "step into the political power."

The newly launched webinar series created by VoteRunLead and LatinasRepresent has taken on the brave and worthy task of helping Latinas to "step into the political power."

World News

Pro PALOP-TL SAI: strengthening Women MPs’ capacities for more effective gender sensitive legislative budget oversight in Cabo Verde Islands

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Pro PALOP-TL SAI: strengthening Women MPs’ capacities for more effective gender sensitive legislative budget oversight in Cabo Verde Islands


Written by Isaura Lopes Ramos, Communications Officer at the joint UNDP/UNFPS/UNICEF office of Cabo Verde. 

Gender responsive budgeting (GRB) is government planning, programming and budgeting that contributes to the advancement of gender equality and the fulfillment of women's rights. It entails identifying and reflecting needed interventions to address gender gaps in sector and local government policies, plans and budgets.

Written by Isaura Lopes Ramos, Communications Officer at the joint UNDP/UNFPS/UNICEF office of Cabo Verde. 

Gender responsive budgeting (GRB) is government planning, programming and budgeting that contributes to the advancement of gender equality and the fulfillment of women's rights. It entails identifying and reflecting needed interventions to address gender gaps in sector and local government policies, plans and budgets.

Political Participation of Women in Power and Decision - Beijing + 20 Egypt

April 23, 2015

Political Participation of Women in Power and Decision - Beijing + 20 Egypt

This position paper on women's political participation in Egypt was presented by the New Woman Foundation at the 2015 CSW in New York.

This position paper on women's political participation in Egypt was presented by the New Woman Foundation at the 2015 CSW in New York.

Ask the Experts

World News

Is not having children the price women pay for political success?

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Is not having children the price women pay for political success?


There are many advocates for gender quotas to help women advance in politics - including front-bench politicians like Frances Fitzgerald. But sometimes events overtake arguments, and the astonishing rise of Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, may be an example of a woman who has become a game-changer in British politics entirely on her own merit, without any recourse to gender politics.

There are many advocates for gender quotas to help women advance in politics - including front-bench politicians like Frances Fitzgerald. But sometimes events overtake arguments, and the astonishing rise of Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, may be an example of a woman who has become a game-changer in British politics entirely on her own merit, without any recourse to gender politics.

World News

Mobilizing greater global investment in gender equality and women’s empowerment

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Mobilizing greater global investment in gender equality and women’s empowerment


To mobilize global leaders to increase the scale and scope of funding for gender equality commitments, UN Women, together with the Permanent Missions of Mexico and Sweden, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development, co-hosted a side event on “Transformative financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment: Expectations from the Financing for Development process” on 16 April in New York.

To mobilize global leaders to increase the scale and scope of funding for gender equality commitments, UN Women, together with the Permanent Missions of Mexico and Sweden, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development, co-hosted a side event on “Transformative financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment: Expectations from the Financing for Development process” on 16 April in New York.

World News

International Consultant on Gender Equality in Parliamentary and Electoral Development Issues, Home-based with 3 missions to Chisinau, Moldova

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International Consultant on Gender Equality in Parliamentary and Electoral Development Issues, Home-based with 3 missions to Chisinau, Moldova



UNDP Moldova Programme 'Improving the Quality of Moldovan Democracy through Electoral and Parliamentary Support' (further referred to as 'Programme') is a multi-year institutional development project that aims to support the institutional consolidation of the Moldovan Parliament and Moldovan Central Electoral Commission (CEC) towards their increased transparency, accountability and efficiency.



UNDP Moldova Programme 'Improving the Quality of Moldovan Democracy through Electoral and Parliamentary Support' (further referred to as 'Programme') is a multi-year institutional development project that aims to support the institutional consolidation of the Moldovan Parliament and Moldovan Central Electoral Commission (CEC) towards their increased transparency, accountability and efficiency.


World News

Iran to appoint first female ambassador since Islamic revolution

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Iran to appoint first female ambassador since Islamic revolution


Iran is to appoint its first female ambassador since the 1979 Islamic revolution, marking a breakthrough for women in government under the moderate president,Hassan Rouhani

Marzieh Afkham, who is the country’s first foreign ministry spokeswoman, will head a mission in east Asia, the state news agency reported. It is not clear to which country she will be posted as her appointment has yet to be announced officially.


Iran is to appoint its first female ambassador since the 1979 Islamic revolution, marking a breakthrough for women in government under the moderate president,Hassan Rouhani

Marzieh Afkham, who is the country’s first foreign ministry spokeswoman, will head a mission in east Asia, the state news agency reported. It is not clear to which country she will be posted as her appointment has yet to be announced officially.


World News