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World News

The Green Ecologist Party of Mexico organized the forum "Women, progress and challenges in politics"

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The Green Ecologist Party of Mexico organized the forum "Women, progress and challenges in politics"


Mexican environmentalists organized a forum entitled "Women, progress and challenges in politics", with the purpose of developing the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to this main objective, the Forum aims to also address other issues such as proper compliance with the General Law on Women's Access to a Life Free of Violence, developing general policies for the empowerment of women -educativas, health , economic ... - and promote women's leadership in institutions and political associations.

Mexican environmentalists organized a forum entitled "Women, progress and challenges in politics", with the purpose of developing the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to this main objective, the Forum aims to also address other issues such as proper compliance with the General Law on Women's Access to a Life Free of Violence, developing general policies for the empowerment of women -educativas, health , economic ... - and promote women's leadership in institutions and political associations.

World News

The Latin American and the Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino) Approved 'Framework Law on Parity Democracy'

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The Latin American and the Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino) Approved 'Framework Law on Parity Democracy'


The Latin American and the Caribbean Parliament, Parlatino, approved on 1 December 2015 the ‘Framework Law on Parity Democracy’, developed with the support of UN Women.

The Latin American and the Caribbean Parliament, Parlatino, approved on 1 December 2015 the ‘Framework Law on Parity Democracy’, developed with the support of UN Women.

World News

Mexico opened in the cycle "Women and Politics: A pending subject"

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Mexico opened in the cycle "Women and Politics: A pending subject"


Monday, November 16, has started in Mexico a new lecture series on Women and Politics "A pending issue". Speakers will include the Secretary of the Federal District, interviewed by Doña Guadalupe Loaeza in Nuevo Laredo. The event, organized by the Municipal Institute for Women in collaboration with the government of Nuevo Laredo seeks to contribute to the political empowerment of women. See more information about the event on this link.

Monday, November 16, has started in Mexico a new lecture series on Women and Politics "A pending issue". Speakers will include the Secretary of the Federal District, interviewed by Doña Guadalupe Loaeza in Nuevo Laredo. The event, organized by the Municipal Institute for Women in collaboration with the government of Nuevo Laredo seeks to contribute to the political empowerment of women. See more information about the event on this link.

World News

World News

Gender equality in the Supreme Court of Mexico

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Gender equality in the Supreme Court of Mexico


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World News

International Expert for Parliament Committee System Development - UNDP Bhutan

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International Expert for Parliament Committee System Development - UNDP Bhutan


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bhutan is seeking to recruit a qualified International Expert to conduct a capacity development for the Parliamentary Committee of Bhutan.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bhutan is seeking to recruit a qualified International Expert to conduct a capacity development for the Parliamentary Committee of Bhutan.


Money Matters: Female Parliamentarians and Domestic Financing for an Equal Post-2015 Agenda


Money Matters: Female Parliamentarians and Domestic Financing for an Equal Post-2015 Agenda


The United Nation's Third International Conference on Financing for Development is around the corner (13 - 16 July).



World News

Resident Director (Chief of Party): South Sudan

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on

Resident Director (Chief of Party): South Sudan


The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) is seeking to hire a Resident Director/Chief of Party (COP) to support a forthcoming community engagement program in South Sudan. A commitment of three years is expected for this position. This position is contingent upon the availability of funding for NDI’s programs in South Sudan and donor approval of personnel. This position is anticipated to start in August/September 2015.

The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) is seeking to hire a Resident Director/Chief of Party (COP) to support a forthcoming community engagement program in South Sudan. A commitment of three years is expected for this position. This position is contingent upon the availability of funding for NDI’s programs in South Sudan and donor approval of personnel. This position is anticipated to start in August/September 2015.



Moving Walls Documentary Photo Projects – Journeys Toward Freedom, Safety & Self-Determination


Moving Walls Documentary Photo Projects – Journeys Toward Freedom, Safety & Self-Determination

Among the varied photography selections is  a unifying line of connection emerges.